Smiling Face

There is a common belief regarding cavities that once you get tooth decay, the cavity can’t be fixed. According to this belief, the only solution to oral wellness is to have the decayed part drilled out and filled with a certain synthetic material. While this one of the ways to fix cavities, dentists have proven that there are other painless ways to fix cavities and get a smiling face.

According to a study featuring in British Medical Journal, tooth decay and cavities can be potentially reversed with a healthy diet. That means understanding the real causes of tooth decay goes a long way in helping you to deal with or prevent tooth decay and cavities. Basically, tooth decay occurs when food containing starches and sugars such as raisins, candy, milk, pop, and more are left on the teeth. The bacteria that live in your mouth thrive on such foods and as a result, some acids are produced. Over time, these acids corrode your tooth enamel which results in tooth decay.

Here are tips to fix cavities and manage a milling face.

1. Minimize sugar intake

Sugar is the worst culprit of all causes of tooth decay and anyone who desires healthy cavity-free teeth should avoid sugar like plague. Not only does sugar enhances the oral bacteria that inhibits health flow of dental fluid but also acidic and can decalcify or demineralize the structural content of your teeth, resulting in teeth decay and cavities.

This implies that avoiding candy, baked foods with sugar, and candy can go a long way in reducing the severity of your cavities and prevent more tooth decay. If you must eat sweet foods, use maple syrup and raw honey. You should also be careful with the artificial sweeteners because they also cause tooth decay.

2. See your dentist

Most dental problems, even deep cavities develop without pain and that means it might be difficult for you to know that you have cavities. Regular visits to your dentists for dental check-ups is the perfect way to diagnose and deal with cavities before they get worse. Keep in mind that early cavity diagnosis makes it easier for the dentist to treat the cavities.

Most dentists are opting for composite fillings through cosmetic dentistry as a way of helping their patients overcome dental cavities. Until recently, dentists used amalgam (silver fillings) to fill and seal cavities. Unfortunately, this approach could weaken teeth since the dentist had to remove a larger part of the tooth with a cavity. However, modern dentistry is turning to composite fillings as a safe, strong, and more natural-appearing alternative.

3. Eliminate Phytic acid

Phytate, also known as phytic acid is an enzyme inhibitor and a mineral blocker found in seeds, beans, grains, and nuts. It can cause serious health issues in our diets. One of the primary reasons phytic acid has become an issue today is because people have ceased ancient food preparation methods including sourdough fermentation and sprouting which kills the phytic acid.

A study published in The Lancet revealed that a diet high in phytic acid can create a mineral deficiency and cause osteoporosis. In fact, approximately 80% of the phosphorous in grains and beans is assumed to be bound to phytic acid and thus, it can’t be absorbed. Note that calcium, phosphorous are essential for your teeth to be healthy. If these minerals aren’t available your teeth might not resist decay.

Other tips to fix cavities include;

  • Brushing and flossing regularly
  • Always have a balanced diet
  • Use mineralizing toothpaste

Dealing with dental cavities goes a long way in enhancing the quality of your smile. Consider implementing the tips discussed in this article and you will succeed in dealing with cavities without worrying about the pain.

About The Author:

Stacey Smith is the freelance health writer. She is passionate to write about women’s health, dental health, diabetes, endocrinology and nutrition and provide in-depth features on the latest in health news for medical clinics and health magazines.

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