Many people notice that their skin wrinkles and sags as they become old. There are many treatments to help reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

Chemical peels, dermabrasion, and both are performed by a dermatologist in their office to reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

There are benefits and risks to both procedures. Many people wonder which one is safe and which one is the safest option.

ChemicalPeels and Dermabrasion

Chemical Peel 

A chemical peel is a special chemical solution it is applied to the skin. The peel is left on the skin for a specific amount of time, and it forms blisters on the skin. These blisters will then peel off. The skin that is under this is smooth and does not show signs of wrinkles.

After the peel, their skin is fresh and sensitive. It is recommended to stay out of the sun for the day and to wear sunscreen even when driving. People that have lighter skin tones are better candidates to have this type of wrinkle treatment.

People with darker skin tones may notice uneven skin tones after this procedure is performed. Chemical peels are not recommended to treat every type of wrinkle. People with severe sagging skin or deep wrinkles will not benefit from this procedure.

Before having the chemical peel, the doctor may ask you if you are taking any type of medication. You may have to stop taking them many days before the peel to prepare the skin fully. Antiviral prescriptions may also be given after having the chemical peel.


There are many different types of Wrinkle treatments. Which one is Dermabrasion?

It is performed in the office of a dermatologist.

The dermatologist uses a special wire brush along with a diamond wheel that has rough edges. These tools are used to remove the top layer of the skin where the wrinkles are. Dead and dry skin cells will also be removed during this time.

The brush is moved over the skin as it rotates. During this process, you may notice that your skin starts to bleed. This is normal when having this procedure.

As the skin heals, new skin cells will replace the old skin. Before having this procedure, the dermatologist will make the areas of the skin that will be treated. A patient is then given local anesthesia to numb the skin.

Ice is applied to the skin at least 30 minutes before the dermabrasion procedure begins. Sometimes a cryogenic spray is applied to the skin to cause it to freeze. This will make it easier to remove the skin cells once they are firm.

For deep wrinkles, you may need additional medication or general anesthesia to help with the pain. The dermatologist will treat a small section of the skin at one time. Once the skin is done gauze will be applied to it, and the doctor will move on to the next section.

You can expect recovery time from this procedure to be between five and eight days. Even after this time, the skin may be pink or red for up to twelve weeks.

After this procedure, many people do not report feeling too much pain. Some people may need pain relievers.

Others notice swelling. It is important to keep the bandages clean and fresh. Sunlight exposure should be avoided directly after having this procedure.

Once a person is healed, they notice the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines especially around their mouth and eyes are less noticeable. Even when healed it is important to wear sunscreen to protect the skin which is very delicate.

ChemicalPeels and Dermabrasion1

Both types of wrinkle treatments do contain some risks. Exposure to the sun will increase these risks. Chemical peels and dermabrasion may be painful at times especially right after having these procedures.

Like any other medical procedure be sure to check out the doctor performing it. Get references from past patients and check them out to make sure their medical license covers these procedures.

Chemical peels and dermabrasion can both reduce the appearance of under-eye fine lines and wrinkles. While there are risks, they have not been reported to be life-threatening.

Within a few days, you can resume your normal daily activities. When you are looking younger, you will feel younger as well.





Author Bio

Adonia Dennis (@adoniadennis), by profession a Health, Beauty, and Skin Care Adviser. She provides solutions related to beauty and skincare problems such as skin hyperpigmentation, aging, sensitive skin, facial wrinkles, etc. She is an independent researcher who researches all types of skin-related issues. She is a passionate blogger who loves to write and share her views on health, fitness, and diet. To know more about Adonia, follow her on Facebook, Google +, and Pinterest.

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