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Men and women alike can have raised estrogen levels, and the only way to know is to do a hormone test with a doctor. In men, it can diminish testosterone levels and in women can lead to a plethora of other problems, including risks of cancer for both. When you know what you are dealing with, you can take the steps necessary to safely eliminate the excess estrogen from the body. The best way is to live a lifestyle that will improve the elimination of excess estrogen while minimizing the exposure that you are having to chemical estrogens. These are some of the things that you can do to naturally reduce the levels of estrogen in your body.

Low Carb High Protein

Avoid excess estrogen by managing your insulin—thus keeping your estrogen metabolism in check. Carbs should be had from fruit and vegetable sources, while protein should be consumed from eggs, fish, and beans. This type of diet will lead to a better overall body composition and better metabolize estrogen. Additionally, omega-3 fats should be a part of the diet, as they lend to the overall process of the life cycle of estrogen in the body.

Foods That Reduce Estrogen

Red wine grapes can do amazing things. Firstly, they make wine but they are also an aromatase inhibitor. One study has found that grape seed extract has the ability to reduce the risk of breast cancer through this aromatase inhibition, which prevents an overload of estrogen. Cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, kale, bok choy, turnips, and collard greens can reduce estrogen levels, along with mushrooms, flax and sesame seeds, whole grains, pomegranates, and green tea. Limonene is an enzyme that is essential for detoxifying estrogen. It is found in the oils of tomatoes and citrus fruits, so aim to add these to your diet in any way that you can. Having a diet made up of real foods will also help the body to eliminate estrogen through the bowel.

Decrease Body Fat

In short, the more fat that is in the body, the more estrogen will be in the body. The fat tissue will increase the level of the specific enzyme that turns testosterone to estrogen. When you decrease the amount of body fat while building up lean muscle, you will find better estrogen elimination.

Gastrointestinal Health

Those with poor gastrointestinal health may experience an inhibition of excess estrogen from leaving the body. A healthy gut will promote excess estrogen’s exit from the body. Ensure your gut’s health by getting your daily dose of dietary fiber, which can be found in flax seeds. Probiotic foods will increase the number of good bacteria in the gut.

Get All Essential Nutrients

Essentially, you will need all vital nutrients in order to metabolize estrogen properly and to reduce higher levels in a natural way. You will need to make sure that you are getting zinc, the B vitamins, selenium, magnesium, melatonin, and omega-3 fats. Vitamin E is another important vitamin and antioxidant that helps with the elimination of excess estrogen.

Limit Exposure to Chemical Estrogen

This is one of the most important strategies for ensuring that estrogen levels stay in a healthy range. Chemical estrogens are everywhere. Only recently has the mainstream medical community started to consider the risks of elevated estrogen levels. How exactly can you limit your chemical estrogen exposure? Eat organic to avoid pesticides and growth hormones, use natural personal care products like shampoos, conditioners, and soap, avoid using scented air fresheners and candles, not only should you be avoiding using plastic containers for food and water but also never heat it up, and use natural cleaning products because chemical cleaners can include toxins that contain estrogen-mimicking compounds.

Final Words

Elevated estrogen levels aren’t good for anyone, man or woman. If you find out that you are dealing with this, you should be making sure to do all that you can to combat it naturally. These changes are not huge undertakings that will seem like a chore—they are mostly small but significant changes that can be made one at a time and will eventually become second nature to your daily routine. Taking a natural approach to reducing estrogenic levels is the way to go.

About The Author:

Sasha Brown is a widely experienced content writer with a zeal for living naturally. As a Certified Herbalist and mother of one who loves to garden, she can offer you simple solutions on how to achieve a healthier lifestyle. 


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