Addiction Recovery

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It can be a long road from realizing your loved one is an addict to getting them to accept help and start the recovery process.

What is obvious to you is not so obvious to them and it is difficult to admit they have an issue. Of course, once they do admit it and want to start recovering you are likely to get carried away.

This is why it is important to curtail your expectations to be realistic. You will need to focus your efforts on helping your loved one along the journey. Take a look at this site to give you an idea of the treatment processes.

Discover The Process

The first step in managing your expectations is to learn about the recovery process. Simply visiting a treatment center is not enough for an addict to beat their addiction. There are generally several steps along the path:

  1. Visiting treatment centers to find the best one for your loved one. This could involve staying at the center or not.
  2. Taking part in individual therapy sessions which will focus on why your loved one started and needs drugs.
  3. Developing new relationships with other addicts to build support and emphasize your loved one is not alone.
  4. Practicing communicating and living in ‘normal’ society again.
  5. Detoxifying from the drug.
  6. Possibly taking medication to help reduce and control cravings or withdrawal.
  7. Talking about the future.

The process can take a few weeks or a few years, there is no hard timeline but your support will be needed along the journey; even if sometimes it doesn’t seem like it. (See also: How to Keep Your Teens Safe From Alcoholism and Addiction)

Learn How To Be Supportive

This is the key to successful treatment and to getting the outcome that you’re hoping for.

Supporting your loved one means being able to listen to them and being firm when they are ready to give in to their cravings.

Most of the time it is simply a case of your loved one knowing that you are there to talk to at any time of the day or night.

Every case is different; you’ll need to work with your loved one to help them find their path to recovery. You will need plenty of patience as they become frustrated and perhaps embarrassed. (See also: 5 Reasons Why Meditation Can Help Beat Your Addiction)

Understand The Addiction

Many people think that addiction is a choice. The truth is that it’s not. Addiction is partly connected to your genes and also a result of the pressures and influences of everyday life.

You’ll never be addicted to marijuana if you don’t know how to get hold of it. But this doesn’t mean that you won’t become addicted to a painkiller because you keep getting headaches.

Addiction can literally happen to anyone.

Once your body experiences the highs of an addiction it will want it again and again; the chemistry of your bran will alter to fixate on this high; driving you to obtain the same high or even a greater one.

Once you realize that addiction can happen to anyone you’ll be better able to support your loved one.

Relapse Is Possible

It is important to acknowledge that addiction treatment is not necessarily a permanent cure. An addict will face temptation throughout their life and this could result in a relapse.

While your life and your loved ones cannot be lived waiting for a relapse it is important to be aware of the signs and take early action if it appears to be happening.

Your loved one needs support and positive vibes. Stressful situations, social pressure, conflict and old haunts can all trigger relapses.

Life Will Not Simply Return To What It Was

It is impractical to believe that your life will simply return to the way it was. Your loved one will have to acknowledge they have an addiction and they will need to take steps to ensure it does not reoccur.

For example, if they are recovering from alcoholism then you may not be able to frequent any bars or even restaurants for a while; until they feel strong enough to deal with this environment.

It is also important to note that your loved one will have changed due to their experiences. In general, acknowledging your own weaknesses can make you more insightful and thoughtful. While they are fundamentally the same person they may not be the person that they were before the addiction.

You have to be prepared to stand by them and love them for who they are and what they have achieved; great things are still possible.

About The Author:

Jesse Hughes has carved out its niche in the Fitness and Health world with a dynamic, exuberant style, unfettered by fleeting trends and underpinned by a unique creativity.

Jesse believes that being healthy is a lifestyle. He offers everyday health and wellness advice. He believes that great looks is not just about what people see physically, but having a glow that radiates from within reflecting the health of the body.

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