Your skin tells the story of your overall health and well-being. A study conducted by a unique pair of twins in 2007 proved beyond doubt that harmful lifestyle habits like smoking can age you more severely than never smoking. Though skin problems like the occasional zit or rash are not telltale signs of internal health, early wrinkles, severe acne, and painful pimples may be results of poor eating and health habits.
Tons of beauty products in the market promise to make your skin soft, supple and blemish-free. But in addition to tried and tested cosmetic brands, you also must practice a safe and disciplined beauty care regimen. This not only helps tackle a range of skin problems like oil secretion and dark spots but also instantly perks up your skin and gives it a glow. Smart lifestyle habits ensure that your skin stays strong and supple naturally.
Here are a few tips to ensure that your skin looks its best without the use of beauty products or invasive procedures.
Eat a Pro-Skin Diet
You know very well that a diet that weighs heavily in favor of fried and cheesy snacks, sugary treats and processed foods is bad for your skin. There is no direct link between downing oily food and acne, but an unhealthy diet can lead to changes in your internal biochemistry, leading to skin problems.
A diet that is rich in fiber and high-glycemic index foods is good for the skin. The healthy fibers play a role in getting rid of toxins and harmful wastes from the body. With cleaner blood supply and fewer toxins inside you, your skin is also bound to stay looking clear and lovely.
Also, do remember that healthy fats are very much essential to maintain elasticity and suppleness of our skin. A diet lacking in good fats will haste wrinkle formation and aging. Healthy fats, primarily omega 3-fatty acids, are responsible for maintaining the integrity of cell membranes. Cellular membranes enable the movement of wastes from the cells into the blood, and at the same time draws in nutrients from the blood into the cells. The cell membrane is also crucial to maintain moisture in the cells, which in turn, ensures that wrinkles and fine lines do not show up on your skin too soon.
Cut Down on Sugar
Processed or simple sugars found in candies and cookies are not good for your skin, and the reason is quite complex. It has a lot to do with a range of changes taking place inside your body when your intake of sugary stuff is alarmingly high.
For one, insulin level in the body fluctuates sharply, leading to an inflammatory response. This inflammation in the body releases counteracting enzymes that break down collagen and elastin. Collagen and elastin are essential to maintaining the suppleness of the skin, and the inflammatory response in the body affects their functions.
Simple starches like those present in white bread, white sugar and sodas can easily break down into glucose and fructose. These sugar molecules bond with proteins and lipids in a process called glycation and make them stiff and malformed. The proteins in the skin, collagen, and elastin also suffer the same damage leading to early wrinkles, and sagged and dull skin. Skin conditions like eczema and acne are also worsened by glycation.
So curb your sweet tooth and switch to drinking green tea regularly to slow down and reverse glycation process in your body.
Remove Makeup before Going to Bed
Makeup residue on your face is a big problem as far as the health and vitality of your skin are concerned. Foundations and heavy oil-based primers can lock down all rejuvenating activities of your skin for the night. In other words, all pollution, stresses, and strains that your skin was subjected to through the day will be stuck on your skin, suffocating and damaging it.
If you use heavy makeup, do remember that it contains chemical ingredients, however minimal. They have done their job and when you stretch them beyond their duty hours, their action becomes damaging. Leftover makeup clogs pores, irritates skin, robs your skin of moisture, and embeds dirt and grime deeper into skin layers.
Pollution agents like smoke and dust cause a buildup of free radicals on your skin surface, which can damage skin proteins and speed aging.
The easiest way out is to keep some makeup remover pads by your bedside. Quickly wipe away makeup from your face before you sleep.
Stay Moisturized
Moisturized skin can retain essential oils and moisture, as well as its youthful elasticity. Hydrated skin is one which has retained enough moisture and oils to look beautiful and glowing.
Drinking plenty of water will help flush out toxins from your body, which is great for overall health, including your skin. But, it will not help keep your skin supple or moisturized. You will have to use quality lotions and creams that will not only provide the essential oils to your skin but will also lock them in for longer periods. Moisturizers slow down or prevent the drying of skin for up to 8 hours, and help in slowing down wrinkle formation and other dry skin problems.
Also, it is important that you choose your moisturizer according to your skin type. Lotions benefit oily skin, whereas creams are good for dry skin. Oily skin also responds well to moisturizers that have exfoliating agents like glycolic or salicylic acid. You can avail freebies online and try out product samples to see the ones that suit you.
Combination skin needs acid-free products and normal skin can do with light-duty moisturizers.
Naturally, healthy skin will stay beautiful well into your old age. Fine lines and wrinkles that come with age do not mar the beauty of your skin and are only signs of a well-looked-after skin that have aged gracefully. So, take your skin care game a notch up and ensure that you give your skin the TLC it deserves.
Disclaimer: All images are provided by the author.
About Author:
Linda Parker loves to share her views on topics related to health, lifestyle, fashion, food and recipes. She is a dog lover and loves walking with her dog every morning. She is a fitness freak.