Being sick doesn’t have to mean being bedbound, having a fever, or going to the hospital. In certain cases, you just don’t feel good. Usually, you can’t even tell why you’re feeling bad, and sometimes you’ve been feeling like that for so long that you hardly notice it anymore.
Something invisible to the naked eye may be making you sick. And while it may be impossible to completely eliminate bacteria, VOCs, and other unseen hazards, there are ways to minimize their effects on your health.
#1. Mold
Mold can accumulate on the walls in the presence of moisture, but it may not always be immediately visible. Breathing air with mold particles can lead to coughing or wheezing and exacerbated asthma symptoms.
Try to pay attention to your walls, particularly the exterior ones, and take note of any discoloring or peeling. Also keep aware of any moldy smells, even if faint and not very disturbing, and call a professional to check for mold.
#2. Mites
These tiny creatures easily accumulate on pillows, bed sheets, carpets, rugs, and curtains. They can be as small as 0.1 millimeters (or 0.004 inches) and they are often the cause of non-seasonal allergies and asthma attacks.
In order to prevent these symptoms, wash your pillows at least once a year, and change your bed sheets and pillowcases weekly. Vacuum your carpets and curtains and dust the surfaces in your home frequently.
#3. Bacteria
Image via Flickr by oakridgelabnews
Bacteria are invisible to the naked eye, and several types can be found in so many places that it’s almost impossible to name them all. Think along the lines of cell phones, toothbrushes, doorknobs, cosmetics, refrigerators, light switches, kitchen and shower sponges — you get the idea.
To minimize the risk of contamination, frequently replace objects like toothbrushes or sponges, and frequently clean others, like your refrigerator, doorknobs, and light switches.
#4. VOCs
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are chemical entities that easily evaporate into the air. They are present in paints, cleaning products, carpets, wood coatings, air fresheners, and many other products. They can cause headaches, dizziness, fatigue, nausea, as well as respiratory issues like asthma attacks, sinus infection or bronchitis.
While VOCs cannot be completely eliminated, you can start working on reducing their presence in your home by avoiding the use of products with perfume or sprays and choosing low-VOC paints and coatings. In addition, work on improving the quality of air in your home by connecting air handlers to your HVAC systems.
#5. Toxic Chemicals
Many toxic chemicals are present in products you use every day, like cosmetics and home cleaning products. Unfortunately, we rarely give our bodies the chance to detoxify, so these chemicals accumulate and may cause symptoms like thinning hair, acne, or skin reactions. They can also give rise to hormonal imbalances, infertility, and premature aging.
In order to improve your home environment, try gradually switching to natural and organic beauty and cleaning products, or look for methods of making your own.
There is no reason to get paranoid, but don’t skip the easy and simple tasks that will allow you to keep these hazards at bay. The health of you and your family is worth it.
About The Author:
Ryan is a freelance writer primarily focusing on tech and health topics. When she’s not writing, she enjoys going to the beach and spending time with her family.