Unfortunately, there are methadone users or abusers who end up getting off the medication for one reason or another. There are a variety of reasons that addicts may stop taking Methadone.
The most common reasons include losing a source of treatment, becoming homeless, abuse due to withdrawal symptoms, or abusing the drug despite its harmful effects.
If you are an addict to Methadone, here are a few tips to getting off the addictive substance:
1. Losing a treatment source.
Methadone is frequently used as a long-term solution to addiction because it provides an enduring, ongoing solution to the symptoms of withdrawal.
In order for this to work, a patient must be committed to ongoing treatment. Many abusers have a hard time committing to an ongoing therapy plan because of their intense feelings of shame and discomfort around their substance abuse problem.
It’s important to have a support system in place if you want your loved one to receive the best possible treatment and overcome their addiction.
2. Become homeless.
Methadone is frequently used by people to help prevent relapse when they return to active drug use. Unfortunately, many times people become addicted for periods of time and aren’t able to stay off the opiates after relapses.
Because of this, methadone is sometimes used as a form of protection but is ultimately used as a means of creating a dependency on the drugs. Because of this, it is often used by those who are transient and who are simply trying to find a way to survive.
3. Become homeless due to withdrawal symptoms.
Once an individual has begun receiving methadone, he or she will experience a wide range of side effects, from nausea, to mood swings, to severe cramps and leg pains.
These symptoms are often mistaken for conditions caused by poor diet or exercise, so it is important to keep the prescription bottle near at hand in case withdrawal symptoms begin to interfere with daily activities.
In many cases, doctors will prescribe an over-the-counter pain reliever to alleviate these symptoms and allow patients to continue their daily routines.
4. Take drugs in order to avoid feeling pain.
One of the most common ways that people start abusing prescription painkillers is to fill prescriptions with narcotics in order to avoid feeling pain.
People often take opiates in order to get through difficult or boring days, or numb the pain of injuries, or avoid pain during surgery. Unfortunately, many of these drugs can cause addiction and cravings that are just as intense as the opiate itself.
This often results in a repeat pattern of taking the drugs, as well as withdrawal symptoms that must be treated. It can also lead to an overdose, which can prove fatal.
5. Start taking opiates because you think you need them to feel normal.
Methadone is a very powerful drug, and when taken in conjunction with other substances, it can become habit-forming.
Once addicted to opiates, it’s difficult to stop taking them on your own, especially if you’ve been taking them regularly for a long time.
Because of this, many people who are addicted choose to take heroin or prescription pain medications in addition to methadone. This can lead to an increased risk of overdose, as well as a longer recovery time after detox.
6. Take drugs hoping for a quick fix.
Although Methadone is used primarily to provide relief for chronic pain, it can also suppress withdrawal symptoms when detox is complete and treatment programs are being pursued.
If the patient only needs to be treated for a week, they can self-medicate by popping a pill a couple of times a day or snorting a line of drugs, expecting a quick fix.
If you suspect that you or a loved one may be addicted to methadone, contact Neworld Detox Centre immediately. Don’t wait to see if your symptoms worsen; seek help before the situation gets worse.
A medical doctor will be able to screen patients for drug addiction and provide appropriate treatment. It’s never too late to get help for your loved one – the sooner the better.
About The Author:
Stacey Smith is a freelance health writer. She is passionate to write about women’s health, dental health, diabetes, endocrinology, and nutrition and provides in-depth features on the latest in health news for medical clinics and health magazines.