6 Things You Should Do Regularly for Healthy Blood Pressure

People pay more attention to their skin and looks. No doubt, the majority of us are guilty of this. We enjoy the compliments. We like it when people look at us and say “Hey, you look good.” But, how about looking good on the outside and inside?

Unfortunately, only a handful of people care about their internal organs and issues that concern blood pressure. They forget that high BP can cause life-threatening health issues.

The point is as you age, you need to develop a plan on how to maintain good health. It is understandable to seek ways to tackle the wrinkled skin that aging brings. But you also need to take drastic steps to maintain healthy blood pressure levels.

High blood pressure gives birth to hypertension, the silent killer. It can also severely damage vital organs in your system, such as the kidney and heart if one does not react on time.

6 Things You Should Do Regularly for Healthy Blood Pressure

However, it is never too late to keep healthy blood pressure levels. You can start now and still enjoy a healthy aging process without BP issues.

So, if you are ready, here are six things you can regularly do for healthy blood pressure levels.

1. Make high-fiber foods your favorite

One way to have healthy blood pressure is by managing your body weight. If you are obese, then take appropriate steps to cut down on the excess fat. Keep in mind that obesity can expose you to high blood pressure issues and other life-threatening health conditions.

That said losing weight and keeping fit should not always be because you want to look good for your spouse. Your primary reason should be because of your health. High-fiber foods can help you achieve your goals of healthy blood pressure. Of course, they may not directly lower your blood pressure but are helpful in weight management.

Consuming foods or fruits that contain high fiber will make you feel full. You can even stay for an extended period without food or cravings that will cause you to overeat and add weight.  You can use high-fiber foods to fill your meals. Also, remember that consuming enough water after eating high-fiber foods will enable you to maximize the benefits.

Here are high-fiber foods you should start eating

  • Pears
  • Chickpeas
  • Raspberries
  • Black beans
  • Lentils
  • Avocado
  • Barley
  • Broccoli
  • Guava
  • Swiss chard
  • Chia seeds
  • Brussels sprouts

2. Switch to herbal tea

Several studies have identified the power of herbal tea and the effect it has on blood pressure. Herbal tea is said to contain a specific ingredient known as Hibiscus sabdariffa L which makes it useful for blood pressure management.

According to one of the findings, this ingredient gives the herbal tea its antihypertensive effects. To put this in simple terms, you can lower your blood pressure by consuming herbal tea. Take at least three cups every morning to get good results.

Researchers at the prestigious Tufts University also discovered the effects that herbal teas can have on blood pressure. The researchers believe that the phytochemicals present in the ingredients are responsible for reducing the inflammation of the blood vessels.

Replacing coffee with fresh herbal tea is an ideal thing to do. You should even reduce coffee consumption for the sake of your blood pressure as the caffeine in it can raise your BP levels a bit.

3. Do regular blood pressure checkups

Hypertension or high blood pressure is regarded as a “silent killer” for obvious reasons. One of them is that it doesn’t give signs before striking. A regular checkup to know your blood pressure is vital. It will enable you to identify any irregularity with your blood pressure and take the right steps to address the situation before it becomes more difficult to manage.

If you are confused about your blood pressure reading, you can evaluate your numbers using this tool. Regarding where to take your blood pressure reading, you can visit a health center or book an appointment with a medical professional to come over to your house.

4. Consume enough potassium-rich foods

You do not need to have blood pressure issues to follow this advice. Just develop the habit of eating potassium-rich foods. The benefits of these foods are numerous. Findings from a study at the USC show that foods like banana, kiwi, spinach, broccoli, and a host of others in this category can release a significant amount of potassium into one’s system, which will prompt the two bean-shaped organs (kidneys) to get rid of more salt.

Besides having an impact on blood pressure by causing the kidney to discard more salt, eating potassium-rich foods can help prevent muscle cramping and relax the walls of the blood vessels.

Here are some potassium-rich foods you can have:

  • Kiwi
  • Banana
  • Spinach
  • Broccoli
  • Nectarines
  • Cantaloupe
  • Water chestnut
  • Sweet potatoes

5. Develop interest in watermelon

If you have been avoiding watermelon, this little secret you are about to read should make you pay more attention to the fruit. Watermelon comes packed with tons of beneficial nutrients that will make your body healthier. It has several vital antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins which the body needs.

Watermelon contains citrulline and arginine, two vital amino acids that can lower blood pressure, according to studies carried out at Florida State University. So, start eating enough watermelon from today. Interestingly, you can have the fruit any time of the day, and you also cannot have enough of it.

6. Avoid excess salt consumption

Salt helps to improve the taste of meals. But keep in mind that excess salt consumption is dangerous to your health. So if you want to maintain healthy blood pressure, then you should mind the amount of salt you add to your meals.

It is advisable for adults not to consume more than one tablespoon of salt daily which amounts to 2,300 milligrams per day. Excess salt consumption increases blood pressure and causes heart diseases as well as stiffness of the arteries. That said you should mind your salt consumption and take bold steps not to exceed the recommended amount of salt you consume daily.

Here are a few tips to help you avoid taking too much salt

  • Read the labels of processed foods and know the salt content before consuming them.
  • Add less salt to your meals while cooking. Do not let your taste buds define your health.
  • Get the salt shaker away from the dining table. You might be tempted to add more salt to your food when the shaker is in front of you.
  • Go for processed foods with the “low sodium” or “no sodium” info on the label.


As an adult, you need to set clear blood pressure goals and work to ensure you stick by your plans. The goals are simple as you can see in this post. But they will help you to lead a healthy life and enjoy a healthy aging process.

High blood pressure gives rise to hypertension which has claimed too many lives. But you can avoid any casualty by taking bold steps to ensure your blood pressure is in a good state.

Ensure your blood pressure is in a good state. Another way to reduce your blood pressure is to get some flax oil. For more information about staying healthy, check out the infographic below.

About The Author:

Clement Okperigho is a passionate writer who likes to research and provide detailed information on health issues. He believes in the ideology that health is wealth and that the right information can save lives. Clement enjoys sharing information about blood pressure issues. He also encourages everyone to be mindful of their blood pressure. You can read more of Clement’s write-ups here.


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