Pilates Benefits

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Pilates has been in use for strengthening and toning the muscles since the 1920s. It is great for improving flexibility and posture and for weight loss. Research has revealed that Pilates offers a wide range of health benefits. When looking for Pilates equipment for home-GymGearInfo.com, knowing the benefits of these exercises will help convince you to consider Pilates as a form of exercise.

As a form of exercise, Pilates utilizes the breath, which is one of the major components of all Pilates classes. In fact, breathing is one of the 8 Principles of Pilates. This exercise involves a particular breathing pattern which contributes to its effectiveness. Because it is a form of breathing exercise, Pilates can help supply oxygen to the muscles, remove waste products, and helps in the prevention of holding your breath. These exercises help you direct your focus inward, focus on the present, and reconnect with your body. Let us now take a look at how Pilates can improve your mental health. (See also: 6 Tips for Improving Your Mental Health)

1. Stress Management and Relaxation

Stress is a commonplace and people have different ways of dealing with it. Engaging in Pilates yoga can be an effective tool for reducing and coping with stress. Pilates can help reduce stress hormones such as cortisol and increase endorphins or the ‘feel good; chemicals giving you a natural boost. In addition, Pilates can enhance your ability to respond and deal with stress. Even though it is a low-intensity exercise, Pilates can be instrumental in releasing those happy hormones called endorphins. Even just 20 to 30 minutes of exercising is enough to trigger the endorphins. As a result, you will feel euphoric and develop a feeling of general well-being.

Pilates yoga

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A 2016 study conducted by the University of Pittsburgh revealed that the neural pathways associated with response are shared with those related to our postural muscles. The research found out that Pilates can help calm stress responses. Performing routines like waist twist, threading the needle, and hip rolls can be effective in reducing the amount of stress.

A study, whose findings were published in The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association, revealed that group exercises can help improve emotional wellbeing by 26%. The study also revealed that stress levels were greatly reduced by 26%. When you attend classes, you get to meet people, have fun, gain new friends and laugh while staying physically fit.

2. Improving Memory and Brain Training

 Performing automated forms of exercise such as running and treadmill may help work out your body but will not engage your brain. This could open up risks for injuries and reduce the benefits of exercise. On the other hand, Pilates involves both body and mind simultaneously. When we learn and modify a new exercise, it forces the brain to learn the new skill which makes the brain engaged all the time.

Like any other form of exercise, Pilates helps pump blood to the brain which results to clear thinking. By exercising, you increase the size of the hippocampus, the area of the brain responsible for memory. Exercising can also boost the connection between the brain’s nerve cells. This will keep your brain free from injuries and diseases.

Studies have revealed that exercise can enhance neurogenesis, the creation of new brain cells and offers protection to existing cells. Pilates has been linked to enhanced memory and reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s  Disease.  It also improves learning and problem-solving.

 3. Helps treat depression and anxiety

treat depression and anxiety

Image Source: Pexels

Studies on exercise and mental health centered around people experiencing depression. A 2015 report prepared by the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists concluded that exercise should be integrated as part of the routine in recovery from mental illness. Pilates can be instrumental in treating depression and anxiety by allowing opportunities for socialization. Pilates changes the chemicals in the brain eliminating negative thoughts resulting in stress relief, increased mindfulness, and increase self-care routine.

4. Develops a regular routine of self-care

Self-care is a very important component of mental health. When you perform Pilates on a regular basis whether daily, weekly or even after every couple of days, it can become a regular routine that can have beneficial effects on your mental health.

5. Promotes mindfulness

Mindfulness is becoming a quite popular term these days. When you are mindful, you can experience a wide range of benefits such as enhanced immune system, health, and emotional resilience. Most activities involved in Pilates such as breathing, slowing down, close attention to movements of the body can all help increase mindfulness. Pilates can also help increase sensory awareness which could help in mood improvement.

So if you are still not into Pilates Yoga, it is high time to consider enrolling in a Pilates’ class near you. Aside from becoming physically fit, you will also achieve mental and emotional health. You will see changes in your happiness and satisfaction level when you have attended a Yoga class.

About The Author:

Shawn T. Thompson is the content developer and freelance writer. He writes a lot of article on his carrier. Last one year he is working with Gymgear Info as a content developer and a writer. He has an expertise in writing an article on various types of online tutorial. He also wants to promote such kind of work to develop the skill.

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