Male Pattern Baldness

The male pattern baldness is an inherited condition that is transferred from one generation to the next and usually has no side effects. The problem of hair loss, which is genetically predisposed, is not categorized under the name of a disease, but it is a condition that is transferred from parent to their offspring. The male pattern baldness presents in men and the responsible factor associated with the condition is DHT (Di- Hydro Testosterone), which is a catalytic form of the hormone Androgen converted into DHT with the combination of 5-alpha reductase.

The pattern baldness affects both men and women and the medical data says that more than 50% of all men affected by the pattern baldness and 40% women shows the female pattern baldness without having the complete baldness picture.

The hair transplant has a rapid increase graph in the arena of hair loss treatment said by the report on medical tourism in India.

The Androgenic alopecia is a genetically affected case that is presented in the pattern of hair loss that is rated on the Norwood scale. The NW class of baldness ranges between the classes I to VII and shows the different stages of hair loss.

What Happen when people affected by the Pattern Baldness?

In the case of Androgenic alopecia in men the hair growth cycle disturbs and loss their natural mechanism to enter each stage according to their natural period of time. As a matter of fact, there are 3 stages of hair growth cycle, namely, the Anagen, Catagen, and the Telogen stage and each stage have their own lifespan to contribute in the growth of hair. When a patient is affected by the pattern baldness the hair loss occurs predominantly and without completing the anagen phase, the hair shifted into the telogen phase and a severe shedding experienced by the affected patients. Thereafter, the severe thinning and the hairline recede from the front and top portion occurs that affect all over the scalp, including the crown area.

The Symptoms of Male pattern baldness is characterized by the following Points:

  • Hair thinning is very predominant
  • Hairline recession occurs that increases gradually and can present the highest grade of baldness
  • Hair falls in clumps can be experienced by the patients
  • Male pattern baldness typically occurs in the top and front area of the scalp
  • Hair shedding occurs comparatively at a higher pace

How to Address the Male Pattern Baldness

There is the technique to address hair loss or baldness and came into the picture with the name of the FUT hair transplant and the FUE hair transplant. If your case of hair loss is genetic, the only solution to control hair loss/baldness problem is the hair transplant procedure. As the condition of genetic baldness occurs due to the sensitivity of DHT hormone and it disrupts the hair growth, it linked up with the internal mechanism of the body and affected by the hormonal secretion in the body. The researchers found out that stress and some unhealthy behavior like stress, nutrient deficient food, and alcoholism can accelerate the baldness problem if you are already a victim of a genetic pattern hair loss.

The FUT Hair Transplant

The FUT hair transplant is one of the best techniques in the hair transplant to address hair loss. The FUT technique involves the strip excision from the safe donor area usually the back and sides of the scalp and later the strip is separated from the hair follicles/graft via the process of dissection followed by the higher magnification of microscopes. The separated grafts are now transplanted into the recipient bald area. It gives you the best outcomes in terms of the higher amount of grafts and can fulfill the need of a higher grade of baldness with a fuller density. It gives permanent results because of their extraction method that only targets the safe donor area.

The hair transplant cost of FUT is comparatively reasonable and the most selective option in the hair transplant world.

The FUE Hair Transplant

The FUE hair transplant involves the random punching with the help of punching machine that is targeted to extract the hair roots one-by-one! The FUE hair transplant is not compatible to cover the greater grade of baldness and applied only to resolve the problem of a lesser grade of baldness like the NW-II or NW-III. The FUE hair transplant decreases the donor area compatibility as the roots are extracted randomly and a Doctor compels to target the unsafe area also as a result of the random punching. This method is known as the blind technique because the extraction is done without having the idea of the exact location in terms of angle & direction of the hair roots.


On the whole, we can say that the procedure of hair transplant is only an ultimate solution to hair loss problem if you are affected by the genetic hair loss. The male pattern baldness is completely get resolved by the process of shifting the natural hair roots from the patients’ own body is termed as the hair restoration procedure.

About The Author:

Stacey Smith is the freelance health writer. She is passionate to write about women’s health, dental health, diabetes, endocrinology and nutrition and provide in-depth features on the latest in health news for medical clinics and health magazines.


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