Your Home

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In most places, you need heating and cooling to survive – there’s no getting around Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. While modern HVAC systems have come a long way from the ancient ways humans moderated temperature, they still leave much to be desired. For instance, HVAC’s can be loud, producing distressing rattling and thumps at all hours of the night. However, perhaps more pressing for those who perceive their home as a haven from the dirty streets and air of the city or countryside, HVACs aren’t perfect at keeping a home clean.

All Parts of an HVAC Can Get Dirty

For one, there is no element in an HVAC system that can avoid dirt and grime. While different parts of an HVAC get dirty at different rates, you can be sure that if you haven’t ever cleaned your HVAC, these components need some elbow grease:

1. Air Filter

If you are committed to keeping a clean home, you should know by now that air filters need to be changed regularly. The air filter is attached to the intake vent of an HVAC, and it is designed to trap debris and contaminants in the air before they enter the system. This means the air filter is supposed to get dirty quickly as it collects the stuff you don’t want to breathe in or see settling on your interior spaces.

Just how regularly you need to swap your air filter depends on the contents of your home; for instance, if you live alone, without pets, and if you don’t suffer from any allergies, you can get away with swapping your air filter annually or every six months. Conversely, if you live with several people and shedding pets, and/or if you are attacked regularly by allergies, you might need a new air filter every 20 days or so.

2. Unit

Especially if your HVAC unit is located outside your home, you should expect it to gather grime. Wind and storms cause dust and debris to gather around the unit, potentially damaging the intricate elements contained inside. For instance, rocks and branches can bend the fins on an air conditioner, blocking air flow. Additionally, piles of debris can crowd around condenser coils, making them work harder to produce the same heating or cooling effect.

Homeowners need to pay a biannual (twice per year) visit to their unit and sweep away any stuff that might have piled up nearby. Additionally, even in cities with relatively mild weather, like Atlanta, heating and cooling contractors should be hired to power clean a unit at least once per year.

3. Ductwork

HVAC ducts are designed to quickly, efficiently carry air from the unit to all parts of a house. Ideally, the ductwork is composed of smooth material, which will reduce friction and avoid trapping air that should be flowing freely. However, over time even the smallest bump can collect dust, and that dust can gather more like a snowball, causing all sorts of problems.

Ductwork doesn’t need to be cleaned as often as units or air filters. If you can see air vents coated in a layer of dust, or if you can see dirt and debris beyond your vent covers, you should schedule a vent cleaning. If you don’t, you will make your system work harder to deliver conditioned air, and you could be spreading allergens throughout your home. Duct cleaning should truly only be performed by an HVAC expert, who has the equipment to pull all the gross stuff out and leave your ductwork spotless.

Particles spread via your HVAC aren’t just vine dirt; they are also dead skin cells, pet dander, hair, bacteria, and bugs – plus pollen and mold spores. An overabundance of contaminants in the air can trigger allergic reactions even in people typically resistant to allergy attacks. Because your HVAC recirculates air throughout your home, even one dirty element of your HVAC will result in unclean air and unclean belongings. Perhaps worse, a dirty HVAC isn’t an efficient HVAC, meaning you are wasting energy and money, too. If you aren’t working to keep your HVAC clean, no one is – so you should check on the health and cleanliness of your system today.

About The Author:

Angela Smith a Blogger and also a mother of a five-year-old son. Generally, She writes blogs regularly and shares ideas on baby care, environment,  health, and nutrition.

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