Woman with Grey Hair

(Source: Pexels)

It’s one of the things that we fear the most, for most of us, it’s a sign of ageing – or is it? Turning grey is something that we worry about, even though there is nothing wrong with going grey – in fact, it can be quite the fashion statement. Hair color changes constantly, whether it’s age, sunlight or a lack of hair care, it’s not something that forever stays the same – turning grey is no different.

The causes for going grey can vary – rumor has it, stress can cause it, but is that factually correct? Read on to discover the various reasons you can go grey, so you can prepare and own the change in your hair!

Does stress make you go grey?

Rumor has it stress can make you go grey – truth is, it doesn’t. Hair doesn’t actually turn grey, the new hair follicle that produces hair can start out grey and therefore the new hair growing through can be grey, the existing hair won’t be. Stress can make you lose hair, but not make it go grey, so the legend isn’t true…

Nutritional deficiencies

Nutritional deficiencies can have an effect on how your hair grows out and therefore on the hair color. Deficiencies in calcium, zinc, vitamin D, B12 and B6, and if you’re a vegetarian, take them in supplement form to keep your hair healthy and luscious! A diet rich in proteins and carbohydrates will improve your hair health.

Genetic factors

Genetic factors can have an important impact on the age your hair starts turning grey. It has been proven that identical twins go grey around the same age – so your family history has importance.


Going grey is a sign of getting older, and it’s a part of life that happens to the best of us. It has been proven that 50% of the population has about 50% grey hair by the time they’re 50. Like skin, your hair changes texture as the years go by, and like wrinkles, going grey is just a part of aging, but you can rock being a silver fox!


Caucasians tend to go grey earlier than other ethnicities, with African-Americans going grey last. Scientists haven’t been able to prove why, but as we can see, this has an impact on the aging process.


Smoking is known to have an effect on the aging process and can make your hair go grey even quicker. Smoking has an impact on all follicles, another reason to quit! It’s also an indication of your heart’s health, sometimes being one of the symptoms for heart disease or other smoking-induced illnesses.

You’re a redhead or a blonde

Blondes and redheads are the most likely to go grey, or white, early because their hair already lacks darker pigments. Obviously, as a redhead, you’ll struggle to hide your greys rather than your blonde friends who can hide their grey hairs amongst their light blonde tresses.

You’re not caring for your scalp

Haircare isn’t just looking after your hair, but also your scalp, as a nourished scalp will help keep your hair in amazing condition. Massaging your scalp will bring vital nutrients to the scalp and will feed the follicles that will determine if and when your hair goes grey. Having a hydrated and moisturized hair is key to glossy, salon-quality hair all day every day!

You shed hair often

If your hair sheds often and you’re over the age of 35, then chances are the hair replacing the old one is going to come out grey. You can avoid losing so much hair by using heated products less, tying your hair up when you go to bed and not washing your hair every day. You’ll get brighter, less fragile strands and fight those greys!

About The Author:

Inga Lindstrom is a freelance writer who lives like a digital nomad. She loves yoga, veganism and a healthy lifestyle in general. She’s an author at HuffPost, StudentUniverse and many other blogs.

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