Health Care

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Came to the U.S.A. and studying in a college or university?

What may really surprise you as being an international student living in the U.S.A.? Obtaining international health insurance is the only viable solution.

But…. No international students can skip to not obtaining health insurance as health care in the U.S.A. is not FREE.

On top of that, the expensive living expenses are going to ridicule the situation as well if you do not plan to proceed with your life as planned.

First and foremost is, obtain health care insurance.

4 Surprises For International Students About Health Care

Let’s see which four of them are.

  1. Health insurance is mandatory
  2. No free medical assistance
  3. Medical is expensive as hell
  4. Health insurance through universities/colleges are affordable

1- Health insurance is mandatory

While it is not a lie in there but that is the clear truth like the crystal-colored water.

Within the U.S.A., health insurance in almost all of the universities/colleges is mandatory to have.

Without having one you may not enroll in the college/university.

Even if your visa does not have the health insurance, you would either be asked to obtain the one while you enroll in university/college.

Get to show the proof when every single semester kicks in or you would not be able to proceed with the classes next semester.

2- No free medical assistance

Please, bear in the mind. The medical assistance of any type are not free in the U.S.A., and the international students could be heavily hit with it.

You fall ill, you are charged.

You, unfortunately, got into an accident and waking up after a couple of days. Then what would really happen?

Expect the hospital bill in the couple thousand dollars read to get delivered to you.

If you do not own the health care insurance, you are easily doomed. And that is the worst kind of surprise the international students can definitely hit with.

3- Medical is expensive as hell

Being the international students, they are meant to save the single penny wherever they would be able to.

A single visit to the doctor and living just a day at the hospital, you can expect the bill ballooning to the thousands of dollars.

But having the health care insurance can significantly save you so much in the form of medical assistance while you would just pay as little as your plan covers.

4- Health insurance through universities/colleges are affordable

Though the universities/colleges the mandatory act to subscribe to the health care insurance they are counted as the greatly affordable.

You would most probably be provided with the option to subscribe to the health insurance coverage from your very own college/university and evaluate the money factor where the university/college has the student-centric health insurance policy that is much lowered in the price and the premiums.

That is indeed the wise decision by the students to look at and subscribe to the health insurance plan which deems fit to them.

The conclusion

No matter how healthy and sound you look, stay, and strike hard to but do not overlook the unforeseen issues that may happen anytime.

No one knows when they need medical attention and they may get injured, went ill, and you are better off to NOT get surprised by the surprising bills which may easily surprise you.

Just take the insurance health for your own good self and avoid getting surprised with the hefty medical bills being abroad for the study’s concerns.

About The Author:

Mohammad Abid is a freelance writer who lives in Karachi, Pakistan. His writing has appeared in publications that include Mavcure, McSweeney’s, National Lampoon, and Reductress.

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