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Time to tie your sneakers and get ready to run. What are some of the best running strategies before you pick up your favorite Adidas from an Australia athletics store? What is the best way to boost your fitness?
1. Get the Right Running Gear
You will need some basic gear before you start running, from a hydration pack to good quality sneakers. If you have any health concerns, you might need to find the best running shoes for plantar fasciitis, diabetes, or other physical limitation. Carry nourishment with you in a handy running belt like protein bars, trail mix, or candy. You will need clothing that is weather appropriate and let your body breathe. Keep your valuables like keys and smartphone in your running belt. Companies like Adidas have an impressive array of athletic wear that is perfect for every running situation.
2. Short Distances
Be practical when you start your running routine. Don’t expect to be able to run a marathon your first week out running. Instead, strategize and plan out your runs. Start with a short manageable distance. Stretch and hydrate before and after each run. After you start running, listen to your body. Do you feel any unusual pain or discomfort? Pace yourself. Don’t run too hard. Start slowly and then build up your goals.
3. Partner Up
A partner at a similar running level can be an invaluable resource. Keep each other accountable. Work together to set realistic goals and celebrate when you have reached them. Join a running group of peers in the area. There are a broad number of running clubs like the Melbourne Midday Milers, the Macedon Ranges Running Club, the Sydney Striders, and the Coburg Athletic Club that run and train together.
4. Choose the Right Surface
Beginning runners should start running on softer surfaces. This helps prevent injuries and protects your ankles and muscles. There are a variety of surfaces that you can run on: sandy surfaces, a school track, treadmill, or a grassy park. Avoid running on the pavement or surfaces that have debris and obstacles, like a mountain trail. Once you are comfortable on softer surfaces and have built up your strength and stamina, try different more challenging running surfaces. (See also: 7 Ways on How Running Benefits Your Health)
5. Hydrate and Stretch
Whether you are running in the heat or in the cold, it is important to hydrate and keep your body well-nourished for the run. While you have a bigger chance of suffering from heat exhaustion when running in hot weather, you still run some risks when running in general. Keep water on your person at all times. A hydration pack is recommended for longer distances and more serious running goals. Keep snacks in a running pack. Stretch before and after a run or workout. If you have any pain, take a break.
6. Control and Concentration
When you are running for the first time, remember that your body is getting used to a new exercise. Don’t push yourself to run too fast too soon. This can lead to energy and frustration. Instead, pace yourself, running at a steady, concentrated speed. Try not to run when you are stressed, exhausted, or physically ill. Your brain needs to be fresh and alert. Follow these simple tips to enjoy years of running.
About The Author:
Boris is the founder of http://www.