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Not moving enough is one of the worse things you can do to your body. The Center for Disease Control recommends that individuals should at least spend 150 minutes of their day in moderate exercise. Physical inactivity has been linked by WHO as one of the leading causes in the world for death. But it’s not slowing down, the range keeps progressing from 60% to 85% globally.
Some people may assume they are active enough because their routine involves walking or using the stairs but they are not taking into account the extra time they spend in front of the television or in front of the computer at work.
When you read or hear how a sedentary lifestyle is just as dangerous as smoking or being obese and the risks that come with it, you are underestimating it. Sedentary behavior goes beyond making you fat and putting your cardiac health at risk.
Check out these 6 ways an inactive lifestyle is hurting your health.
1. The Risk of Cancer
People who have logged the most time just sitting around may have just increased their risk of colon cancer by 2% percent, endometrial cancer by 32%, and lung cancer by 21%. The risks double for people who spend most of their time munching on junk food while being a couch potato.
When you are constantly giving way to higher body fat ratio, you may be spiking your chances for cancer as well. The reason behind this is that inflammation can target the cells present in your body, and lead to cancer-causing DNA damage in time. On top of this, an excess of fat cells in time make more hormones that induce cell proliferation. This results in the rapid growth and division of cells.
2. It Messes With Your Back
Most instances of inactivity are actually the ones where you end up slouching. You are either in front of the TV or at your work desk. The damaging effects of sitting constantly begin after 4 straight hours of doing just that. A workday sadly is much longer than this.
Any increased pressure on the back disks can lead to degeneration and therefore backache. It is recommended that you keep on moving in intervals during your workday. Even changing your position every 20 minutes helps. Most people assume the more the back pain, the more they should remain inactive and rest, when in fact ‘movement’ is an excellent solution to back pain.
3. Blood Sugar Rises
People with the right body weight ratio can suffer from high sugar levels as well. According to one research, physically inactive adults are likely to showcase a blood sugar level of 5.7 percent or more. A medical professional may find this enough to consider it as prediabetes.
The research also found that though these people were skinny, they had more fat than muscle. This is called the skinny-fat condition where individuals are at risk for problems with metabolism, blood sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure.
4. Your Cognitive Memory Takes a Hit
The health and well-being of your brain suffer when you are inactive for too long. Most people assume that only those who are predisposed to dementia have a chance of ever having it, when the fact is, older people who are sedentary for a long while may be risking it as well.
Fortunately, it is not challenging to thwart this, all you need to do is to add a regime of brisk walking to your daily routine. Older adults who walk for around 3 to 4 times a week can go by with it being their primary form of exercise as well.
5. It Targets your Sex Life… and Not in the Best Way
Physical inactivity can pave the way to Erectile Dysfunction. This can be explained by the weight you put on which makes it difficult for the blood to flow to your penis. A lot of men who suffer from ED are the ones who suffer from one or the other cardiac problem. It is important to note that the effort you put in the gym shows results in the bedroom. Men who are healthier and fit show better scores when it comes to sexual function.
6. Mood Swings
People who lead a sedentary lifestyle are more likely to feel depressed. The research discovered that people who sit still for long hours are likely to feel more hopeless, tired, and restless. Other sorts of behavior like playing video games and watching TV can be the reason for anxiety, as well as mood swings.
A good workout, on the other hand, generates the happy hormones, and get rid of the down in the dumps feeling of yours. And that’s not all, cardio has been proven to have the same effects as that of anti-depressants in many cases. So what are you waiting for? Start moving and take charge of your health.
About The Author:
Judy Robinson is a passionate health and lifestyle blogger. She loves to about it on women’s healthy lifestyle, fitness 101 and DIY related topics. Follow @judyrobinson for more updates.