If you are someone who has considered doing calisthenics but haven’t started because of a number of reps that many people do with exercises such as handstands and press-ups, you will be glad to see the advice we are giving here.
1. Don’t Delay Any Further – One of the most important things you can do is to get started this instant. The average person feels that they don’t know what they’re doing and they don’t know how to start, so they give up believing that they can’t. There will never be the perfect time to begin calisthenics which means that the only time to start is right now.
You can begin with no experience, no equipment, and you don’t even need to have a fitness trainer. This type of training is perfect for anyone, and it doesn’t matter what their gender is, what their age is, or even what they’re size or ability is. Now that you know this you should stop trying to talk yourself out of doing it, and you should throw away all of your excuses.
2. Begin At The Beginning – Even if you’ve never done calisthenics, you needn’t worry. In the beginning, it’s not necessary to try and mimic any of the things that you might have watched on Instagram or YouTube. As a beginner, you will want to begin with the fundamentals.
Calisthenics is a type of exercise that takes advantage of body weight doing things like pull-ups and squats as well as push-ups and leg lifts. There’s no need to do fancy stuff to get good results. The most important aspect of this exercise is to help you gain endurance and strength, and you will want to focus on keeping proper form.
When you focus on performing each exercise using proper form you will develop good habits that stay with you as you become more experienced. Even if you experience some difficulty doing this at first, it will be worth the effort, and as time continues, you will be able to make minor adjustments that help you, such as doing push-ups while on your knees until you build up strength. When you are getting started, you can use resistance bands to help you build up the strength for pull-ups, and as you move into more complex exercises such as handstands, you can use a wall or other forms of support.
3. Be Consistent – It is better to do a smaller amount more often, then an intensive amount once a week or less. There are few things that you can do that will help you grow more than being consistent and performing your exercises regularly. The great thing about this type of exercise is the fact that you can easily do them anywhere and they don’t require you going to a gym. If you do 10 or 20-minute workouts regularly overtime, you will see improvement.
4. Strive Each Day to Do Better – Focus and pay attention to the progress that you’re making overtime. You will want to make a plan and work toward improving so that you can measure the strength and endurance that you’re gaining as this will give further motivation to continue. Look for ways to increase the resistance of each of your exercises and increase the total number of reps that you do with each.
How you set your goals to measure your progress is up to you. It is not necessary to make any huge or sudden jumps in performance. Each time you exercise, all you need to do is strive to do just a little bit better than you did the time before. Small improvements will add up to big improvements over time.
5. Don’t Fear Your Failures – Failure is a natural part of success, and you shouldn’t be afraid of it. Even if you fail numerous times, it’s not something you should be concerned with. It’s a common feeling to get annoyed or frustrated when you fail repeatedly, but it is a part of the learning process.
It is unfortunate that most misunderstand and think that successful people never fail when in fact they fail more often than those who don’t succeed. Even when you watch something on social media sites or YouTube, it is likely that they didn’t succeed the first time they tried to do it on camera. In most cases, they did it repeatedly until they got it just right and then they edited the video to make it look even better.
6. Focus On The Progress You Make Rather Than Theirs – Each person is different, and although it’s a common thing for someone to compare themselves to another, it is not recommended to do so. Even when you admire someone that you want to perform similarly to, you will need to remember that they were new at it at some time in the past as well. Because you’re an individual, you will develop differently than others, and you need to focus on you more than them.
Each person’s strengths and weaknesses are different, and the way they develop will be equally different. Fitness is not about competing against another person but rather about developing your own body to be its best. Your workouts should be focused on making micro-improvements with each new workout. When you focus on the right thing, you increase the likelihood of success.
7. Learn to Listen To Your Body – It’s important that you pay attention to the signals your body gives you so that you don’t go overboard and injure yourself. The more that you do the exercises, the more in tune you will get with the signals of your body. From the beginning, make an effort to listen to those signals.
Anytime you feel your muscles are tight, take the time to stretch them because your body is trying to tell you that you need to loosen or warm them up. If you begin to feel overly tired or run down, then your body is trying to let you know that you need to get more rest or better quality rest before you begin training hard again. Anyone who begins to start losing focus and finds themselves unable to sit still could be experiencing their body trying to tell them it wants to begin exercising. Your body knows what it needs, and the better you get at listening to it the better results that you will get and the more improvement you will make.
About The Author:
Alma Vernon is a health & wellness blogger who writes for a number of health-related blogs including Muscle Sensei. When she is not writing, she likes to go for hiking, indoor rock climbing and trying out new things.