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Nutrition deals with the science where experts analyze and advise people to follow a certain diet plan that can help an individual to give their body with the nutrients it needs for growth, development and overall health. Given that information, if you are keeping your body from the nutrients it needs, chances are really high that you mouth too will have difficulty to keep your gums and teeth healthy.
Poor food choices lead to a nutrient deficiency which is one of the many reasons for gum diseases and tooth loss in adults all across the world. That being said, what one eats and drinks plays a vital role in their oral health. For detailed insights, it is best to get in touch with a professional by simply searching for ‘family dentist near me’ at your phone or computer.
1. Eating habits that can improve your oral health
After reading the above sections, one might be feeling a bit down since it was all bad news right? Well, all is not lost since the following sections are all about the upside of a few small changes in your eating habits that can improve your overall oral health.
2. Avoid fried food items if you have a weak digestive system
Fried food items are drool worthy but they wreak havoc on your overall health. If you have a weak digestive system, chances are high that you are often a victim of acid reflux, especially after you indulge yourself in a nice bucket of fried chicken. Acid reflux, if it gets out of hand, can become the primary reason for poor oral health. Gum and tooth erosion along the sore tongue and mouth cavity are some of the after effects of the same.
3. Avoid consuming food items that are low on nutrient content
Whether you are chewing gum or on a steak, it is best to keep in mind that movement of the jaw leads to erosion of the teeth. Dentists often ask their patients to stop consuming food items that are low on nutritional value.
4. Avoid sticky or chewy food items
It is best to avoid sticky or chewy food items since they dissolve in your mouth at a slow rate which means it will have more time to wreak havoc on your teeth. The bacteria in your mouth will react with the food and form acids that, if left unchecked, will accelerate the rate of enamel erosion, leading to tooth decay.
5. Avoid fast food at all costs
Let’s get down to the food choices and eating patterns of children, teens and young adults these days. Advancements in society led to a situation where people have very little time to even look after their basic personal needs. In such a situation, the young members of society suffer the most. Increased peer pressure, packed schedules and overburdening curriculum led them to develop a knack for fast food items.
Fast food not only affects the body, but it also affects the mind as well. On top of that, it is the primary reason children and young adults are often diagnosed with tooth decay. For humans, their teeth are the most important tool that allows them to chew and cut on the food they eat. Being said that, these creations of nature need proper care since they are not nearly as indestructible as one might think they are. Bottom line, fast food is bad for your teeth and gums. Please stick to natural, home-cooked meals for best results.
6. Steer clear from sweetened food items
The reason, why dentists ask their patients to keep clear of sugary and acidic food items, especially soda and artificially sweetened beverages are due to their ability to speed up the rate of tooth decay.
Whether it is artificially sweetened food items or you are a fan of some extra sugar cubes in your morning coffee, it is best to keep yourself from consuming too much of that white goodness.
As per leading institutions, the primary suspect of tooth decay and gum diseases has always been sugar. If that is too much to ask from you then make sure that you never forget to brush and floss right after you have had something sweet to eat. Make sure you follow up with alcohol containing mouthwash for complete protection.
7. Maximize your calcium intake to keep your teeth healthy
Your teeth are made out of the same organic material as your skeletal system. It means, if your body is deficient in calcium, your teeth will be the first to feel the blow! Make sure that you eat lots of leafy vegetables. Drink lots of milk and have eggs on a regular basis for visible results.
The human body is a complex organic machine, Mother Nature’s masterpiece if you may! Time and again it has been proven that the overall lifestyle of a person along with their eating habits not only affects their v but their physiological health as well. Oral health is part of physiological health and if you wish to keep oral problems at bay, change your eating habits as soon as you can.
About The Author:
Emma is a mother who loves to pen down her thoughts on health and fitness. She lives with her husband and 2 lovely daughters while practicing healthy living techniques.