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How you feel has a direct impact on how you perform. In other words, if you are in a good mood, you will be able to focus on your work and give your hundred percent to it.
In everyday life, a lot of thoughts come into mind. Some are positive and some are negative, thus the mood changes every other second. You can find a wide range of medications for reducing anxiety, depression, and stress, thus boosting mood. But, the medications can cause various unpleasant side-effects.
Researchers have found that marijuana is effective in treating mood disorders. The two important compounds, THC and CBD, can help in improving the emotional state.
How Can Marijuana Help in Boosting Mood?
The marijuana plant contains a wide range of chemical compounds (called cannabinoids) and terpenes, which have proven mood-boosting properties. The psychoactive compound THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) interacts with the same endocannabinoid receptors that the anandamide does.
Anandamide, also called bliss molecule, is a neurotransmitter that is related to learning and memory. It plays an important role in creating & breaking connections between nerve cells.
In the United States, mood disorders are common among people of all age groups. There are different types of disorders-dysthymia, bipolar disorder, seasonal affective disorder, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD).
There can be many causes of mood disorders. These include financial worries, the death of a loved one, illness, getting a divorce, and relationship problems.
Cannabinoids found in marijuana can help in treating bipolar disorder. According to a 2015 study, cannabis helped patients with bipolar disorder to enhance mood and emotional wellness.
However, it’s important to note that marijuana’s effects can vary from patient to patient. Thus, you should talk to a licensed doctor to discuss your condition and seek professional help for what’s right for dosage and method of consumption.
Additionally, marijuana’s active compound THC can help in increasing the levels of dopamine in the brain. Lack of dopamine can affect mood, memory, and attention.
Consuming high-THC strains can help in reducing REM sleep. REM is a sleep phase, which is associated with more dreaming, rapid eye movements, etc. Reduced REM sleep means you will spend more time in deep sleep and less time in dreaming. This helps in treating sleep disorders and promoting relaxation, mood, and memory.
However, REM sleep is important for proper cognitive functioning. And, using high-THC strains for a long time can reduce your sleep quality.
Stress can influence your overall mood, thus affecting focus and productivity. Moreover, it can increase heart rate, blood pressure, and lead to loss of sexual desire, low energy, and insomnia. Marijuana can help in reducing stress, thus promoting wellness. Researchers have found that cannabinoids interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system, thus regulating pain, appetite, sleep, and mood.
Different Ways of Marijuana Consumption For Boosting Mood
How you deliver cannabinoids to the body can impact marijuana’s effects on your body. Following are some of the most common methods of cannabis consumption-
It’s one of the most common methods of cannabis consumption, which involves smoking dried flowers through a joint, bong or pipe. Smoking delivers quick effects, which can last for up to three hours.
It’s inhaling marijuana compounds through a special device called a vaporizer. Marijuana is heated to a temperature below its combustion point, thus it’s safe as compared to smoking.
If you don’t like smoking, you can eat cannabis-infused products. Edibles are available in different forms such as ice-cream, chocolate, pizza, snacks, candies, etc. After you consume edibles, you will experience effects in 4-6 hours, which lasts longer than any other consumption method.
Tinctures are absorbed sublingually and provide effects in 20-30 minutes. Using tinctures, you can deliver cannabinoids directly into the bloodstream.
Topicals are marijuana-infused lotions, balms, and creams, which are applied directly to the skin. You can apply them on the affected areas, and receive more focused medicinal effects. Transdermal patches deliver quick relief that can last for hours.
Top Marijuana Strains For Mood Disorders
Medical marijuana is proven helpful for treating anxiety, depression, PTSD, and other mental health conditions, thus boosting mood and concentration. However, its healing potential and ability to alleviate symptoms may vary from person to person. Several marijuana strains work well for depression patients while others don’t deliver great results.
Everyone has a different condition, thus should choose the right strains for alleviating the symptoms properly. Here’s a list of the best strains for treating mood disorders-
Northern Lights
It delivers ultimate relaxation and is ideal for insomnia. Northern Lights can also help in stimulating appetite and boosting mood.
Lamb’s Bread
Perfect for fighting depression and stress. It can also help in boosting energy levels and combating fatigue.
It provides ultimate stress relief and alleviates depressive symptoms such as feeling guilty, worthless, etc. Headband enhances mood and relaxes the body and mind.
Green Crack
Green Crack is a Sativa strain, which can help in increasing energy levels and motivates you to go active, especially when you are feeling low and helpless.
This hybrid strain is perfect for fighting pain and alleviating depression symptoms. It can also help in stimulating appetite and relaxing the body.
Marijuana is real medicine, which can help in treating various conditions such as anxiety, depression, stress, and PTSD. The cannabis plant contains over 100 cannabinoids, which bind to the cannabinoid receptors found in the body’s endocannabinoid system, thus regulating mood, sleep, appetite and various other functions. Unlike prescription medications, marijuana use doesn’t cause any unpleasant side-effects.
Everyone has a different condition, thus require different strains for alleviating the symptoms. Talk to licensed medical marijuana doctors to apply for your MMJ card and seek professional help for dosage, strains and consumption method.
About The Author:
John Brooks is a medical writer and regular contributor in the fields of the cannabinoid health sciences, mind-body medicine, phytopharmacology, as well as evidence-based illness prevention and treatment protocols.