If you are going to ask people around pertaining to cigar smoking, they will most likely come up with an almost similar view. In fact, most people view cigars as an enjoyable and harmless activity. And since these people have this kind of view, smoking cigars on different occasions has already become a very common sight or occurrence. But don’t you know the fact that someone who smokes cigars has a big possibility of getting his behavior affected the dangerous way?
How is Addiction Defined?
There are certain ways in which a certain behavior is defined. A behavior is a specific kind of action that can be pointed out or referred to as habit, hobby or addiction. Take a look at how each act and behavior differ from one another:
- When an action becomes something that follows a recurrent pattern and is ingrained in a person’s psyche due to frequent repetition, this already entails a habit. For example, someone who enjoys a hot mug or cup of coffee every morning is considered as a habit of a person during his working life. Basically, a habit is an action that a person does in a subconscious manner. You are someone who has a habit this simply means you are doing something without actively thinking what you are doing.
- When something is to be done for reasons of getting pleasure from it then this kind of action or activity is called a hobby. A hobby often comes in different forms such as golfing, fishing, reading, etc. In short, a hobby is what a person often does during his spare time and is something that he enjoys. However, a hobby isn’t considered as a driving need or necessity.
- When a person suffers from physical or mental dependence beyond his control then this is called addiction. There are certain things in which a person can become addicted to and these usually include caffeine, drugs, alcohol cigarette, and cigar smoking. If a person is addicted, he usually has a mental or physical need to indulge in a particular activity. And if that person does not get what he craves for he would usually suffer from discomfort, uneasiness, and pain.
Cigar Smoker: What Kind Are You?
If you consider yourself as a cigar connoisseur then you have this kind of treatment to cigars: it’s a special item or treats. Often, you smoke just a few cigars each week without necessarily inhaling its smoke. This is something that entails you as a person who considers cigar smoking as a form of hobby. It’s just that you puff cigars to enjoy every smoke they produce while getting in the way to trying a variety of special and premium cigars.
If you are someone who is a cigar enthusiast and routinely smokes more than two cigars each day without necessarily thinking on it then you consider cigar smoking as a form of habit. This is true even when you enjoy trying different brands of premium cigars as well as you don’t inhale their smoke. You might have a favorite “daily” cigar and you don’t mind puffing machine-made or cheap stogies.
Now if you are someone who smokes cigars and inhales a good number of cigars every day then you may be someone who is already addicted to cigars. A day will never be complete without smoking a bunch of cigars. You always make it a point to have a cigarette break so as to have your nicotine fix. True it is that cigar addiction is possible because of the constant exposure to nicotine.
Cigar Habit: Can it Lead to Addiction?
You must be thinking now if your habit of a smoking cigar can lead you to the state of addiction. According to health experts, cigar hobby or habit can lead you to the point of addiction possibly but not probably. As a matter of fact, the National Cancer Institute even recognizes the differences in behavior of people who smoke every day along with their levels of inhalation.
This is in referral to cigarette smokers and cigar smokers. But if you have a strong feeling that you are already someone who is already addicted to cigars, the best way to deal with it is to talk to a health expert or a doctor. By consulting an expert you will learn much about the methods of health screenings and the effective ways to help you quit smoking cigars.
There are so many smokers from all over the world that perceive smoking cigars seems like a harmless hobby or habit. If you are someone who has this kind of belief or perception, it is very important to monitor or guard your current smoking activity. During your monitoring scheme, you also need to be very conscious of your behaviors, mental and physical drives. (See also: Managing Expectations for a Loved One’s Addiction Recovery)
If you sense yourself to be craving for a cigar the delirious way or if you feel like you are going to be sick if you have not gotten into your regular cigar smoking routine then this is the best time for you to consult a doctor or health professional. If this is the case where you are into, it is more likely that you have already reached the point where addiction is something that you have to go through.
Treating Cigar Addiction
If you are going to look around, you will surely find too many people who are struggling and suffering from addiction. As what has been said, addiction comes in many different forms and cigar addiction is one of them. Getting in the way to overcome cigar addiction can be hard and difficult depending on the addiction level of a person. Today, many rehabilitation and facilities are already scattered around to render help and assistance to those people who want to stop their addiction. Get the best addiction treatment and procedures from Experience Ibogaine. For more details and information about pricing and treatment procedures and availability, take the time to visit Ibogaine Treatment Center today. (See also: How Exercise Helps You To Quit Smoking)
About the Author:
Aeden Smith is a frequent contributor to many lifestyle and health blogs. He is also the founder of experienceibogaine.com, an Ibogaine treatment center helping individuals overcome their addictions.