Dental Implant

(Source: Pixabay)

If you are missing a couple of teeth, dental implants may be the perfect option for not only improving the cosmetic appearance of your mouth but maintaining your oral health too. If you have decided on dental implants, it’s important that you know what the procedure entails and how best to prepare. Whether it be understanding your dental plan or finding the right provider, here is a guide on what to expect when getting dental implants.

Finding a Dentist

When finding a dental implant dentist, it’s only natural that you will want to find the right person for the job. You may want to consider using Elite Dentistry of Simi Valley who offer dental implant procedures. With their many years of experience under their belts, you can be certain that you will have a safe procedure and achieve the perfect smile.

To begin with, you should receive a comprehensive dental examination, which may involve having x-rays taken of your mouth, as well as models made of your teeth and mouth. Once your dentist has evaluated your teeth, they will help you determine whether dental implants are right for you and what to do next.

Speak with Your Insurance Provider

As dental implants are usually more expensive than bridgework, you will need to work out the overall cost and consult with your insurance provider. In some cases, dental implants aren’t covered by insurance. This is because they are considered a cosmetic operation. Having a budget in place can help you work out whether you can afford dental implants. When speaking to your insurance provider, make sure to ask whether dental implants are covered under your dental plan, as well as how much you will need to pay out of pocket.

Develop a Treatment Plan

Before you have your surgery, you will need to develop a treatment plan that works best for you. Your treatment plan will include your medical history, the current health of your jawbone and mouth, as well as the type of implants you plan to receive. It’s likely that you will work with various specialists throughout the procedure, such as your personal doctor, oral surgeon, periodontist, and dentist.


Once your procedure is done, you may experience swelling, bruising, and bleeding which is normal. No matter what type of surgery you undergo, it’s likely that you will have some discomfort, so if you find that the pain or swelling persists or gets worse, it’s advised that you see your oral surgeon who may prescribe you some antibiotics. You also need to know what kinds of foods to eat during the aftercare process. It’s best to stick to soft foods like soups and puddings which require little chewing. There are also various lifestyle changes that you should make to help speed up recovery and maintain your oral health, such as by stopping smoking and following a balanced diet.

Before deciding on whether dental implants are right for you, it’s always best to ask for your dentist’s opinion. You should also speak with your insurance provider to work out the overall cost, as well as develop a treatment plan that can keep you in the know on what to expect.

About The Author:

Boris is the founder of He is passionate about Yoga and Healthy Living.

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