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One piece of good news that you can get today is that you don’t have to go out of your way to living a healthier life. Doing one or two things a day that can put you on the path to better health can only improve your life. The 17 tasks and tips on this list can assist you on the job of becoming healthier, one step at a time.

1. Flossing

You might hear this tip every time you visit your local dentist. But your dentist is right: flossing every night really will make a difference over the long run. One study even showed that regular flossing can even prevent heart attacks. If that won’t get you flossing those pearly whites, what will?

2. Stretching

Doing 5-10 minutes of stretching can do a lot to ease tension in your body. You can even have a stretching session while you wait for your coffee to brew. Or try to stretch for 1-2 minutes during a commercial break of your favorite show of the moment. (See also: 10 Incredible Benefits from Stretching Every Day)

3. Snack Healthy

It’s easy to grab a bag of greasy, salty chips when you’re out and about. But make things easier on yourself by packing healthy snacks such as fruit or nuts before you go out. You can thank yourself the next time hunger strikes when you’re on the go.

4. Skip the Elevator

You hear this tip everywhere you go, even from people who could do well to follow this bit of advice. But you hear this advice everywhere because it’s an easy way to start living a more healthy lifestyle. So skip the escalators and elevators and get those daily steps in as much as possible.

5. Find Healthy Recipes on the Interwebs

Stop stalking Instagram celebrities for a little while and do something that could prolong your life. One way you can use your web surfing to good use is by looking for healthy recipes that are actually fun to cook. You might get the inspiration to cook up a scrumptious, healthy dinner tonight.

6. Tech Break

We all could stand to spend a little less time with our electronic devices. But each day, try and consciously spend a few minutes away from all gadgets. That includes smartphones, televisions, and ebook readers. Here’s an idea: spend some time outdoors…without your phone. Yes, the horror. But it’ll be good for you, so do it.

7. Lemon Water

Tony Robbins adds the juice of this fruit to his water every morning. You should, too. Lemons act as a superfood, so there are plenty of benefits to keeping lemons in your kitchen. From jump-starting your digestive system to aiding in weight loss, you must make an excursion to your grocery store and get some lemons stat.

8. Discover New Workouts Online

You might get tired of running or biking the same trail every day. If you feel that you can not run on your treadmill one more day, try looking for new workouts online. YouTube features millions of creators who post free workouts for viewers of all fitness levels. (See also: How to Get Better Results From Your Workouts)

9. Clean Your Desk

No, we’re not giving you one more task for your to-do list. But stop complaining and do it anyway. Who wants to work on top of germs every day? Every couple of days, give your desk a good spritzing down. Don’t forget your work keyboard when cleaning. That area can hold the most germs.

10. Friends

A good text chat with your bestie can get you through a tough day at the office. But there’s nothing like calling your friend (yes, your smartphone can still make calls) and hearing her voice as you talk about your latest fight with your mother. Studies have even found that a good phone chat can help with stress levels.

11. Massage

Stop headaches and PMS pain by massaging this one acupressure point on your body. For additional help with pain and tension in your body, try Caringbahs best massages.

12. Drink Water

Soda certainly tastes better than water. However, those two cans of Coke will cost you when it comes time to step on the scale. From increasing your risk of diabetes to decreasing your mineral levels, there is no upside to drinking soda. One way to decrease your daily caloric consumption is to eliminate soda from your diet entirely. (See also: Infographic: How to Pimp Up a Glass of Water)

13. Go Outside

Some of us fancy ourselves to be indoor people. But even the most staunch fans of the indoors should step outside once in a while. More like once a day. You can use the fresh air to reset to go back to whatever you were doing inside.

14. Wash Those Hands

At this point in your life, you don’t need to be told this. But in case you’ve forgotten this most basic of hygiene rules, wash regularly. For one thing, you don’t want to come down with the flu, so stock up on hand sanitizer.

15. Vitamins

They said that an apple a day kept the doctor away. Apples are good for you, but multi-vitamins are even better. Find a good brand of vitamins and take them first thing in the morning. (See also: 10 Signs That Show You Need Multivitamins)

16. Gym Bag

Tonight, pack your gym bag right before you go to bed. When you wake up the next morning, you will have one less thing on your mind. Who doesn’t want that? Plus you have one less excuse to skip the early morning workout.

17. Motivation Music

Have you ever met anyone who doesn’t like music? If you have, you were rightfully suspicious of them. Music is so important to most of us that a study discovered that the right songs can even make our workouts fun. This article even revealed some playlists that you can use for different types of exercise, from cardio to 5K training runs.

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