Becoming an addict is not usually a goal in life that people strive for. However, it is a common problem and one that can be overcome. The key is to get support and admit you have an issue.
You may be surprised at how many addicts make a full recovery and then go onto help others. Their experiences and courage in overcoming addiction can actually improve their life skills and enhance their best qualities.
Unfortunately, there are always barriers to the recovery process. The following 5 myths certainly undermine your chances of recovering from addiction:
#1. Addicts Are Bad People
This is one of the most common myths, the assumption that an addict is a bad person who perhaps deserves to be addicted.
The simple fact is that addicts come from all walks of life. You don’t know if you’re going to become addicted to alcohol or drugs when you first try them. In fact, you may not become addicted straight away.
The drugs don’t need to be illegal, prescription drugs can also cause addictions and you’re simply following your doctor’s orders!
Anyone can be an addict; it’s the job of nonaddicts and recovering addicts to help these people return to their lives as active and helpful members of society.
#2. People Choose To Become Addicts
This is as ridiculous as saying you would choose to have 3 legs! You can’t simply choose to quit and your genes are at least halfway responsible for your addiction.
Addiction starts in the brain, addicts are neurologically wired to be more receptive to addiction. Once you sample a drug or any substance that is addictive your brain starts to crave it. The chemistry of your brain changes until the substance becomes the main or even sole orientation of your life.
You can’t just decide enough is enough; willpower alone cannot remove the addiction.
Peer pressure or stress may introduce you to the addictive substance; your body does the rest of the work.
#3. You Only Get Addicted To One Substance At A Time
This used to be a common misconception but, thankfully, understanding of this is changing.
Most addicts today are addicted to three different substances. This may be because the addict has needed to mix drugs in order to recreate the high their body craves.
In other cases, it can be a drug that helps you recover from an alcoholic binge. You can easily become addicted to the alcohol and the drug.
The problem becomes worse if you only seek treatment from one type of addiction; the two or more are intrinsically linked.
#4. Confrontational Treatment Centers Are an Essential Part Of The Recovery Process
You’ve seen the television shows where people are forced to reveal their innermost secrets in order to cure an addiction. Sadly this is still the way that many treatment centers operate.
Unfortunately, this leads to a stigma attached to addiction and those that suffer from it. Research shows that confrontational approaches actually increase the likelihood of an addict relapse; it also puts people off from seeking treatment.
You can click this link to read about a center which offers an altogether better solution. Of course, there are those that tell you comfort should not be part of a recovery process; although Hollywood would beg to differ.
The fact is that addiction is classified as a chronic disease, proper treatment involves understanding and being treated as a person. This means being comfortable and accepting the addiction. Only then can an addict truly recover.
If you are or know an addict then you must avoid the confrontational style treatment centers; they will do more harm than good in the long run.
#5. Drug Addicts Fry Their Brains
You’ve probably heard that drugs alter your brain chemistry and effectively fry your brains. While it is true that a drug will alter your brain chemistry this is simply to encourage the use of the drug.
While addicted you will probably undertake behavior and actions that may not be in keeping with your normal behavior. However, once you have beaten your addiction the chemistry of your brain will return to what it was before the addiction.
There is no evidence to suggest that drugs give any type of permanent brain damage.
Ignore the myths and focus on your recovery, with the right center and good support you can do it!
About The Author:
Jesse Hughes has carved out its niche in the Fitness and Health world with a dynamic, exuberant style, unfettered by fleeting trends and underpinned by a unique creativity.
Jesse believes that being healthy is a lifestyle. He offers everyday health and wellness advice. He believes that great looks is not just about what people see physically, but having a glow that radiates from within reflecting the health of the body.