When we receive bad news or get caught up in a downward spiral due to work-related matters, stress is the common reaction. You wonder how on earth are you going to survive. Your mind is a mess, trying to find solutions.
Beware, though, a racing mind is not all that happens when you are in stress mode. Palpitation, dizziness or lightheadedness and nausea are just common symptoms. But there’s more to it. Stress also triggers an increase in blood sugar, adrenaline, blood pressure, and heart rate. Breathing becomes short and shallow which causes toxin (commonly carbon dioxide and lactate) build up in your system. This triggers more stress and anxiety.
When you are under the influence of stress, you suddenly crave for sugar or junk food. Sugar may feel good at the time, but it will only increase your already high blood sugar level, increasing the risk of developing diabetes.
One of the best response for instant stress relief is to eliminate toxic food from your diet and switch to healthier ones. Below is the food that you can eat and munch for immediate stress relief.
Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/food-healthy-red-blue-70862/
Blueberries are known to have high antioxidants, fiber, and Vitamin C that help your combat the strains of stress.
Source: https://pixabay.com/en/yogurt-fruit-vanilla-strawberries-1442034/
Yogurt is not just your ordinary dessert; it is proven to be beneficial to an upset stomach and ulcer-prone stomach. It contains mineral and calcium that stimulates proper nerve impulses and neutralizes acidity in the stomach. So be sure to indulge some dollop of yogurt before hitting on your cozy double bed for a peaceful and calm sleep ahead.
Source: https://stocksnap.io/photo/B0U6RRROJW
Fish that are high in Vitamin B6 and B12 like Tuna and Mackerel are good against combating stress. Just stay away from mayo to avoid the fat content. Fish also contains a high level of Omega fats that are good for the heart and protects it from stress-induced diseases.
Cottage cheese and Oranges
Source: https://c1.staticflickr.com/3/2532/4095446529_4b79f942c4_b.jpg
Cottage cheese is an excellent source of healthy protein and calcium that satisfies the needs of your system. Vitamin C in oranges works as a potent antioxidant that wards off toxins that are building up when you are under stress. You can freeze the cottage cheese that can extend its shelf life by as much as six months.
Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/brown-nuts-in-white-ceramic-bowl-28997/
Most people don’t know that almonds are a good source of Vitamin E and B2. The high antioxidant content of almonds is very useful in flushing toxins that generate more stressors in the body.
Vegetables (In all colors)
Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/food-healthy-vegetables-potatoes-5205/
Vegetables are undisputedly the holy grail when it comes to health benefits. Naturally rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals that aids in reducing diarrhea and constipation due to stress. Unbeknownst to many, Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a long-term complaint of people who are under stress for an extended period.
Instant relief from stress could be difficult that’s why it’s important to avoid the long-term effect of ongoing stress. The sooner you can break free from the claws of stress, the better. Turning to junk food and sugar when you’re upset is not helpful, you have to stop the habit. Just choose among the food mentioned above to enjoy the benefits of instant stress relief.
About The Author:
Rachel Minahan is a young dedicated interior designer who is also a big health enthusiast. Whenever time permits, she travels to different countries to look for design inspirations and at the same time scout the latest trend in health and beauty.