(Source: Pixabay)
Alzheimer’s disease is one of the most common forms of dementia, currently affecting over five million individuals in the United States. In fact, every 65 seconds someone in the U.S. develops Alzheimer’s disease (AD). As you’ve probably seen in many loved ones, it’s symptoms worsen over time, and accomplishing any task becomes almost impossible.
Currently, there is no cure for Alzheimer’s disease. However, treatments are available to help manage symptoms, and with constant research being conducted, medical professionals are hopeful there may be a cure.
You’ve probably recently heard someone talking about the benefits of CBD and what it can do for pain, stress, and anxiety. So, how can CBD oil for seniors, particularly with Alzheimer’s and Dementia, help with the side effects of these diseases?
CBD for Alzheimer’s
According to dementicarecentral.com, “Inflammation has been shown to increase the negative impact of Alzheimer’s disease. The inflammatory response happens when the brain’s immune cells fail to clear disorienting blockages. The inflammation that is a core cause of Alzheimer’s symptoms can often be reduced by using CBD oil.”
The more inflammation, the larger the negative symptoms. CBD oil can play a large role in reducing these systems.
Oxygen also plays a large role in Alzheimer’s, according to the same article mentioned above by dementicarecentral.com, “Important brain functions such as memory are decreased as more oxygen is released in the brain’s cells. Memory loss and other brain deterioration indirectly lead to increased oxygen in the brain. CBD is an antioxidant, which helps reduce the problems associated with oxygen stress. Brain functions negatively impacted by oxygen stress can be improved by using CBD.”
The brain cells are in rapid decline when a person is going through Alzheimer’s. However, stimulating brain tissue was found as a benefit of CBD. A 2011 study by Australian researchers Tim Karl and Carl Group found that CBD promotes the growth and development of brain cells, which were shown to reduce the decline of memory and other brain functions.
In an article published by keytocannabis.com, this is what they recommend for a daily routine for using CBD to manage Alzheimer’s systems,
“In order to manage the symptoms associated with AD and dementia, we recommend ingesting full spectrum CBD oil daily in the form of Tinctures or Gel Capsules. The ingredients in the two products are the same; the only difference between the two is the form factor and dosage – pills vs. sublingual tinctures. We suggest those suffering from Alzheimer’s disease start with 15mg per day of CBD. If relief is not felt at this dosage, we suggest increasing by 5-10mg until the desired effects are achieved. You’ll notice that the Gel Capsules are pre-filled and contain either 15mg or 25mg of CBD per pill. There is no harm in starting above the 15mg CBD threshold as you cannot overdose on CBD, nor are there any serious side effects. These ingestible products provide sustained symptom relief for several hours – many people find they provide relief for the whole day! The one thing to keep in mind with ingestible CBD products is the delayed onset time – it can take up to 90 minutes for the full effects of the tinctures or capsules to be felt.”
CBD for Dementia
According to alz.org, “Dementia is not a specific disease. It’s an overall term that describes a group of symptoms associated with a decline in memory or other thinking skills severe enough to reduce a person’s ability to perform everyday activities.”
Many people with dementia suffer from extreme anxiety, fear, and depression. According to many families with loved ones with Dementia, CBD can make “a world of difference.”
An article in ctvnews.ca interviewed families and caretakers whose patients recently turned to CBD to help calm symptoms of Dementia, stating,
“David Scholey’s yelling used to echo through the hallways of his Ontario long term care facility in Fenelon Falls, Ont. Ever since he tried CBD oil two months ago, the 76-year-old’s dementia-related disruptions have declined. Within a couple of days you could tell it was working because of the fact that he was a lot quieter, he was a lot calmer.”
The article also described CBD products as “A Godsend for caregivers,” telling the story of Betty Wigle.
“Betty Wigle’s family has also turned to CBD oil. Her son, James Tripp, says the drug shifted his 92-year-old mother’s mood from anxious and depressed to cheerful.
As her caregiver, Tripp says the CBD therapy has been a godsend.”
CBD isn’t just for people, it’s actually been recently shown to positively affect dogs with canine cognitive dysfunction (CCD), or otherwise known as “doggie dementia.” Some common symptoms include disorientation, forgetfulness, behavioral changes, and more.
Your dog, like you, has an endocannabinoid system, which response to signals sent by CBD products. According to cannabisssupplementsforpets.com, “CBD can increase endocannabinoid activity in a safe and natural way obviously makes it an interesting supplement for people whose pets are dealing with this condition.”
This makes a great, natural alternative for people who are looking for relief for their pup with CCD.
In Conclusion
Alzheimers and Dementia can be detrimental. While there’s no one cure yet, CBD can help lessen the effects and make life easier for you and your loved ones. Used properly, you’ll see a decline in symptoms that will surely be a relief to those affected. And don’t forget, it’s great for dogs too!
About The Author:
Joshua Gallo has been providing great information on CBD/ Kratom for over 6 years. He has been able to get his work on major platforms like estrohaze. To check out his latest work please check out Healthbizdecoded.com.