(Source: Pixabay)
1. Willpower: The positive power of sheer will-power – no butts.
Scrunch Power. Scrunch up your last packet with the might and the strength of will that believes a person can stop at will. The particular will that stops smoking, comes with resolve and might that is absolutely incisive and compelling. No ifs. No Butts. This will applies an immediate dictate that is healthy and life-affirming. Will may kick in following a less than healthy diagnosis from a Doctor or person of influence in a white coat. A negative bill of health can be as life-transforming as St Paul’s revelation on the Road to Damascus. Instantly a patient can stop smoking. A child can also yield a transformative influence upon a parent, when, returning home from school, s/he asks, “Is Mummy/Daddy going to die?” Such is the power of goodwill to stop smoking.
2. Acupuncture: The Needle Effect
The first thought for many is Needles! People imagine that they would need to get over a needle phobia to go near a professional acupuncturist. A professional acupuncturist employs exceptionally fine needles that even for the very scared are barely felt, and are applied with a lightness of touch that can amaze. These finely executed and expertly positioned needles are left in the body for up to an hour, priming the energy meridians that are associated with the habit of smoking and effectively work for people to stop smoking.
Acupuncture has only positive and empowering side-effects across the whole health spectrum. Several sessions may be required for a person to stop smoking, and over time it is effective in controlling and manipulating the mechanisms of addiction. It can alter a person’s habits and this can be a very powerful victory in the quest to stop smoking. People struggling to stop smoking have demonstrated less irritability, better moods, reduced cravings, and better sleep as a result of acupuncture. The needle effect is positively empowering of overall health and wellbeing.
Research on acupuncture has always produced inconclusive results but more recent findings, instead of trying to explain the complex workings of acupuncture, have been more successful in showing the effects of acupuncture. Acupuncture has been shown to influence aspects of the nervous system and its ability to regulate things like stress, heart rate, and mood. One of the most common acupuncture techniques, called auricular acupuncture, involves inserting fine needles into acupuncture points in the ear. These pressure points are linked to the liver, lung, kidney and sympathetic points. Sometimes, tiny beads are held in place with tape around these points in the ear as a way of self-medication. When these points are stimulated, they can lead to reduced cravings and reduction of other withdrawal symptoms.
There is another point, located on the inside arm, above the wrist crease, called the “Tim Mee” which is used specifically to curb smoking. It achieves this by altering the way cigarettes taste. This can make smoking a lot less desirable to the smoker. Acupuncture can put you a way on track to stop smoking but you may need further support.
3. Hypnotherapy for Positive Change to Stop Smoking
Hypnotherapy is potentially very powerful when a person is ready to take control of something that to now, has been controlling them. Hypnotherapy can be a choice that a person has been thinking about as a course of action for some time. It is important to remember that it is very important that it is the person who is choosing to stop smoking who makes the appointment to stop smoking.
However much-related others with a family member, a colleague or a friend to stop smoking, it has to come from within side of the stopper! Making the appointment for interactive hypnotherapy at wholebeingtoday.co.uk is another step in the right direction to stopping now.
When a person chooses hypnosis and therapy they can expect a discussion to take place as to what has brought them to the point of stopping now. What then follows is an interactive and participative discussion in deep relaxation. In this state, the client is very aware and very present. Indeed the person remembers the gist of everything s/he says and the gist of what the Hypnotherapist says.
There may be some direct suggestion hypnosis, employing a choreography that is participative and empowering. In this way, a patient’s words are key to the process, and the fuel that powers it, to guide and direct the process of stopping smoking. What is called an aversion technique may also be employed?
About The Author:
Deborah Marshall-Warren FHS has been a hypnotherapist in central London for more than 20 years. She has written several books and blogs frequently.