When cold weather comes along, some people find it hard to manage their diabetes and control their blood sugar levels.
The primary reason for this is that having high blood sugar could trick your brain into thinking that you’re warm and toasty when, in reality, you’re really not.
This can have dire consequences because when going outside, you may feel warmer than your actual body temperature.
Left unchecked, this can result in nerve damage. Additionally, the cold weather could likewise impact other aspects of diabetes management.
To keep your diabetes in manageable levels during the cold weather, consider these tips:
1. Don’t leave your supplies in the cold.
Freezing temperatures can hamper the functioning of your glucose monitor and affect your insulin, so keep these inside your home.
Pay extra attention to your feet. Diabetes could lead to loss of feeling in the feet and toes to make sure your feet are sufficiently protected with thick, moisture-repelling socks and proper winter footwear when going out.
Make sure they’re always moisturized to prevent drying and cracking. Examine them every single day and if you spot any injury (no matter how small) that isn’t healing, go to your doctor as soon as possible.
2. Avoid getting sick.
Unfortunately, the cold season also means flu and cold season, and when you’re ill, you’ll also be stressed, which in turn can increase your blood sugar levels. You likewise won’t be able to eat properly when you’re feeling down.
When you’re ill, get in the habit of washing your hands thoroughly to avoid contaminating others. It’s also a good idea to stay inside your room and just rest until you feel completely healed. Consider getting a flu vaccine as well.
3. Make sure to keep your weight in check.
Managing diabetes during cold weather season can be quite tricky, especially you don’t watch what you eat and indulge in cold-weather favorites such as hot cocoa and carbo-loaded soups and treats.
Keep in mind that even a small amount of weight gain might make it harder for you to control your condition.
Aside from being more mindful of your food intake, you should also continue to work out even if you feel sluggish because of the cold weather since regular exercise is a vital part of making sure that your blood sugar levels are in check.
When exercising outdoors, make sure to dress in layers and top them off with that Descente ski jacket you got on sale. If exercising outside is too much for you, consider working out in a local gym, or just working out inside your home.
Make certain to warm your hands before checking your blood sugar levels to get a more accurate reading. Rub your hands together and warm them up with warm water prior to testing.
Take note that your meter will function best if you keep it inside your home, so don’t leave it outside.
Inclement weather and freezing temperature could present some challenges when managing your diabetes. But having a plan in place and taking some sound precautions could help you outsmart the cold weather.
About The Author:
Stacey Smith is a freelance health writer. She is passionate to write about women’s health, dental health, diabetes, endocrinology and nutrition and provides in-depth features on the latest in health news for medical clinics and health magazines.