Car Accident Injury

Getting your life back to normal after a car accident can be a lengthy process, especially if you have suffered serious injuries.

You worry about your health, property that has been damaged, wages that you cannot earn at the moment, and people who depend on you, among other things.

While a car accident attorney in San Diego can guide you on things like compensation, your health recovery will mostly depend on personal effort.

Exercising is one of the ways to get your health back on track after a car accident injury. It reduces inflammation, prevents long-term disabilities, promotes fast recovery, and minimizes the chances of surgery.

Before embarking on exercise, however, ensure that you have permission from your doctor.

If you are planning on doing it alone, start slow and always listen to your body so that you don’t strain and worsen the injuries. Finally, do not forget to take enough rest.

Exercises for Car Accident Injuries

Start with Stretching

Stretching before starting your exercise session is important for blood flow and achieving the normal range of motion for your joints.

In this case, it is especially crucial because there are accident injuries. Starting with a stretch prevents straining the injuries, which can cause more damage.

It is recommended that you have a professional trainer at least for your first session to avoid stretching more than you should.

In addition, stretching within the first 72 hours or so after an accident may do more harm than good.


Even the least movement can help with repairing injured tissue and muscles. This makes walking a safe form of exercise to start with after an injury, before advancing to more rigorous ones.

While walking does not require much effort and energy, it’s still advisable to consult your doctor before beginning. They might advise you on how long the walks should be and other ways to protect your injuries.

Tabletop Leg Press

The tabletop leg presses are ideal for neck and back pain and do not require special equipment.

Lie on a mat with your face up, knees bent, and feet on the floor. Ensure that your shoulders and spine are relaxed. Raise one leg slowly as you exhale so that your thighs are perpendicular to the floor.

Raise the other leg slowly and hold them in that tabletop position for at least 10 seconds. Lower your legs each at a time and repeat several times.

Deep Neck Flexor Activation

This is an exercise meant to strengthen your neck and is common among patients with neck disorders.

Lie on your back with your knees bent and a rolled towel under your head if necessary for support. Slightly lift your head and nod your head as if looking at your toes. Maintain this position for 10 seconds, relax, and repeat at least 10 times.

Lower Trunk Rotations

Lower trunk rotations are recommended for increasing spine mobility, core strength buildup,  and flexible low back.

Lie on your back with your arms outstretched for balance. Bend your knees with your feet on the floor.

Next, slowly rotate the knees towards one direction with your feet still on the floor. Hold this position for about 5 seconds and rotate the knees towards the other direction. Repeat at least 10 times on each side.

Seated Neck Release

This is a simple exercise that helps to release tension in the neck and shoulders.

Seated on the floor or a chair, stretch your hand to your right knee or the chair’s side. Lift your left arm to the side of your head and slowly tilt to the left.

Gently apply more pressure with your hand for maximum stretch. Hold for about 30 seconds and repeat by tilting the head to the right with your right hand this time.

Pelvic Rocks

Pelvic rocking is effective for lower back pain and strengthening abdominal muscles.

Get down on all fours so that your hands and knees are on the ground. Your knees should be directly under your hips and hands below the shoulders. Next, move your head downward and curve your back upwards so that it makes a C curve.

Hold this position for 10 seconds and then move your head up. With your back straight this time, hold the position again for 10 seconds. Repeat these movements around 8 times.

About The Author:

Anne Kamwila is a freelance content writer and a digital marketer. She is passionate to write about health, technology, and business-related guides, news, and books.

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