Millions of people around the world suffer from at least some form of hearing loss. Many, unfortunately, suffer in silence, as they may have to deal with the stigma of what some may perceive as a handicap. However, times have changed in many parts of the world, and today science has advanced to the point where there are a plethora of different hearing aid solutions available on the market that can not only allow the hearing impaired to listen to music, voices, and the beautiful sounds of nature, but also live normal, healthy, and fulfilled lives. Here, we will discuss some of the top hearing aids on the market and why obtaining a hearing aid solution may be ideal for you.
Some Facts on Hearing Loss and Aids
Only one out of six people in Canada who suffer from some form of hearing loss currently wear a hearing aid device. Furthermore, 1 in 10 Canadians currently suffers from some degree of hearing loss. In fact, research that was conducted by the Hearing Foundation of Canada found that over 3 million Canadians currently suffer from some form of hearing loss.
Hearing loss is something that almost every person will have to deal with at some point in their lives, with 1 in 4 adults in Canada having reported having some form of hearing impairment, according to a CHS Awareness Study. However, the study found that only roughly 10% of Canadians identified as being what is known as being culturally deaf, hard of hearing, or deafened.
In addition, babies are also impacted by hearing problems, as roughly 4 out of 1,000 babies that are born in this country are born with at least some form of hearing impairment, or will develop some form of progressive hearing loss during their childhoods.
Why Don’t People Wear Hearing Aids?
Some people may have worn them at some point but may have decided to stop using them after some time, as they may feel that they no longer work as effectively as they used to. Lack of commitment is yet another reason, as some people may only wear their hearing aid for special occasions, such as a group function or a Sunday church gathering.
If someone only wears their hearing aid from time to time, then they will not be able to hear as well as the device intended them to. Some people also worry that they may be made fun of, or be treated as someone who is inferior or who has a handicap, if they are seen wearing a hearing aid. Finally, some people don’t like wearing hearing aids because they feel uncomfortable in their ears. In reality, the only way a hearing aid will work as intended is if it is fit properly.
Why Should You Wear Hearing Aids?
The main reason why you should wear hearing aids is that they will allow you to hear again. Hearing aids have also been found to slow down cognitive decline, and can even reduce the symptoms of tinnitus. Moreover, a study conducted by the Better Hearing Institute found that over 90% of people who bought a hearing aid were satisfied with their hearing aid.
In fact, most studies on hearing loss and hearing aid use have found that patients who used hearing aids reported a higher standard and quality of living than those who simply did nothing about their progressive hearing loss.
Types of Hearing Aids
The six most commonly used hearing aids on the market today are bone conduction amplification devices, behind the ear hearing aids, in the ear hearing aids, cochlear implants, contralateral routing of signal, and open fit hearing aids.
Hearing Aids Preferred in 2019
Invisible hearing aids are very popular, as they cannot be seen by the naked eye. Patients can also choose a very tiny custom aid that is inserted comfortably into the ear canal. Behind the ear hearing aids are yet another option and are very discrete and small as well. As for receiver in the canal hearing aids, they are slightly different, because the speaker of the device actually sits within the canal, which allows for more power to be delivered if needed for those who suffer from severe or moderate hearing loss.
Patients can also opt for a behind the ear hearing aid that is an open ear and that includes a slim tube that makes it an ideal choice for patients who suffer from a moderate or mild hearing impairment.
The advantages of the hearing aids on the market in 2019 are that they are discrete, and can even be imperceivable by the human eye. They also implement advanced noise reduction and sound processing technology, so that you can focus on a conversation even when there is a lot of background noise around you.
They are also highly versatile, meaning they can be used to help almost anyone with a hearing impairment to hear again, and are also highly compatible, meaning they are ready to go for whatever hearing situation you may find yourself in.
Moreover, virtually all of today’s hearing aids support Wifi and Bluetooth, meaning they can easily connect to any mobile phone, landline, television, computer, and music player. Also, today’s hearing aids are 100% customized to the unique makeup and contours of the patient’s ear, which ensures maximum comfort and mobility so that they will remain in place even if you are engaged in vigorous exercise.
About The Author:
Rebecca Hills is the community manager at Hearing Solutions. She loves to write about hearing disabilities and aids. She leverages her knowledge to educate people about keeping their life happy.