Root Canal

(Source: Pixabay)

When your tooth gets painful, it’s never a sign that should be ignored. The problem is that many people associate going for dental work with pain and they put it off as long as possible.

By the time they go, though, a simple cavity may have progressed to more than an easy fix. When a tooth is badly decayed or is full of infection, it may be time for a root canal.

3 Warnings That a Root Canal is Necessary

 Root canals aren’t performed on everyone. They are an almost last resort that has to be done when the tooth’s pulp is so infected or damaged that regular dental care can’t fix it.

In a root canal, the pulp of the tooth is removed. The inside of the tooth is then cleaned and sealed off to prevent further infection. Visit today to learn more about root canals and other dental procedures.

There are not always obvious signs that your tooth is getting to the point where it’s in trouble. But if you are debating whether a root canal is necessary or not, watch for these 3 warning signs:

1. Sensitivity or pain in the tooth – The tooth itself is not usually the reason you experience sensitivity or painful sensations. The problem is that there is decay or infection leading to dental enamel erosion and exposure of the nerves.

If you have severe tooth pain when you are chewing or applying pressure to that area of your mouth, or you notice pain when your tooth is exposed to hot or cold temperatures, even after the source of the temperature has been removed, you should talk to your doctor about your concerns.

2. Abnormalities in the gum line – Your gums should be a healthy pink color if your teeth and mouth are normal. But if you start to notice tenderness and swelling in the gum area surrounding a specific tooth, that could be a sign of trouble on the way.

Another concern that shows up with gums that may show a tooth infection is present is if you notice a pimple somewhere on the gum itself. The pimple may come and go or may stay persistently obvious, but if it’s there, you should make an appointment to see your dentist.

3. Tooth discoloration – Discolored teeth aren’t always a need for concern. It can happen because you enjoy food or drink that is known to stain teeth, such as tea and coffee. It can also be a result of certain medications or health conditions, aging, excessive fluoride, or family history.

But if a specific tooth is becoming discolored, that should be an alert to you that there could be a problem.

Poor dental hygiene may have caused it to become decayed or an infection may have been harming it for long enough that it has become discolored. You should speak to a professional to have it checked.

Don’t Wait – The Need for a Root Canal Won’t Go Away

 Many people put off dental work as long as possible, but if you need a root canal, the problem won’t go away by itself.

If you have any of these symptoms, schedule an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible before the problem gets worse.

About The Author:

Stacey Smith is a freelance health writer. She is passionate to write about women’s health, dental health, diabetes, endocrinology and nutrition and provides in-depth features on the latest in health news for medical clinics and health magazines.

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