Has your child ever had an allergic reaction (allergy)?
It might have been tough, wasn’t it?
Red nose, continuous sneezing? You might even have had to wake at night to help your child.
Yes, it’s not easy and even worse when you don’t know what caused the allergy.
Allergic diseases are quite common in Pakistan but they’re under-diagnosed. According to research, prevalence data of allergic rhinitis (a type of inflammation in the nose) shows an alarming situation. These diseases affect the middle-class the most, while the lower and lower-middle-class are the least affected.
In addition to diagnosis and management, prevention and educating ourselves would certainly help fight back these diseases.
According to the World Allergy Organization, the foods causing most of the significant allergic reactions are peanuts, tree nuts, finned fish, shellfish, milk, egg, wheat, soy, and seeds. Allergy to foods other than shellfish and fruits and vegetables is more common in children than in adults.
Let’s explore 5 ways you can help your kid to avoid triggers of allergy and possibly allergic reactions as well.
Before we talk about good practices, let’s pause for just a second. If your kid suffers from allergies every season, then you’ll probably find great help in talking directly to an allergy specialist.
1. Ditch the carpet if you have to
It might be possible, the mites in your carpet contribute to his or her allergy.
Although carpet feels cushy, soft, and comforting underfoot it can serve as a heaven place for dust mites (microscopic living organisms). It could get even worse if it’s been installed over the concrete floor (carpeting), this can cause moisture to be trapped which also contributes to the growth of mites and fungus.
The solution is to discourage the growth of these microorganisms by opting for bare floors or area rugs (rugs that don’t cover the whole floor but a certain part of it.
2. Scout your bathroom on a regular basis
If the cause for allergy for your kid isn’t clear, it might be possible that green layer/stuff (this is called algae/mildew) are forming in bath pail which releases spores into the air. And these spores might be causing sneezing, wheezing, and other allergic reactions in your kid.
Scrub and clean the pail with a combination of bleach and water or commercial cleaner to remove it.
Also, look in other places in the bathroom where algae/mildew might be accumulating, for example, the bottom of your mat which you have placed at the entry to the bathroom. Since it stays constantly damp and has moisture, it can encourage the growth of mildew.
Dry the bathmat regularly or wash it on a regular basis (on a weekly basis for example).
Read also: Deep-Cleaning Tips to Alleviate Allergies in Your Home This Season |
3. Think about your houseplants again
Although indoor plants soothe our eyes and cheer us up especially during winter. They should be placed outside the doors in spring.
Houseplants can contribute to your kid’s allergic reactions. Mold spores (fungus) that live in the soil of plants release spores that can cause allergic reactions. Related.
Make sure to avoid over-watering your plants, also look out for rotten leaves which can be a sign of overwatering or disease.
4. Wash the teddy bear and its friends
It’s possible that your teddy bears and similar stuffed animals might harbor millions of allergy-producing mites. You can remove the mites by watching the stuffed animals in hot water which would remove dust mites.
5. Natural remedy for stomach against food allergy
Your child might have a food allergy and develops diarrhea on eating certain foods. If you have identified the allergen already, you should help your child to avoid that type of food.
Otherwise, if diarrhea develops for certain reasons, you should help your child to eat a bland diet (foods that are soft, have low fiber, with low spice). Also, giving them a banana, rice, and plenty of water (other fluids as well) to drink is recommended as well.
If your child feels nauseous, help them lay down to rest, and stay still. Remove strong scents present in the room – if any – that make their stomach upset.
Usually, the best way to fight against allergy is to avoid its trigger which varies from person to person. But this isn’t practical always.
In some allergic reactions’ cases, your child’s life might be in potential danger. In that case, he or she must be given immediate medical help.
If your child had allergies in the past or is having it right now, it’s best to talk to an allergy specialist who can help you create a plan to avoid allergy triggers or give him treatment.
Book your video consultation with a specialist who would listen to you unconditionally and prioritizes you and your problems.
Your kid deserves to live a healthy childhood full of growth and development. And you can help him/her to do that.
Decide on one small way, how you can help your kid to avoid his/her allergic triggers for the next 3 weeks?
About The Author:
Noor is a blogger and photographer who loves to share tips and guides on Marham.pk. He loves to capture the beauty of nature with a camera in his free time.