Combating Food Intolerance

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There is a subtle difference between food allergies and food intolerance, but they are both our body’s own internal reactions to certain types of foods that cause symptoms which can be anything from mild to life-threatening. However, unlike food allergies, intolerance to a specific kind of food will, in most cases, stay restricted to gastrointestinal symptoms. In extreme cases, such as during an episode of severe IBS, blood pressure can go down, alongside bringing about excessive sweating and may even temporarily weaken the Central Nervous System with symptoms similar to a panic attack, but there may also be diarrhea, cramps, and extreme pain. So, is it scientifically possible to overcome or at least reduce the body’s sensitivity to certain types of foods? As it turns out, it is possible to a degree and we are about to discuss how.

1. Know Your Enemies

Inflammatory foods, in general, are enemies of people who suffer from food intolerance, so it is important to know which of the food items we are referring to by the term “inflammatory food.” Take a look at the following list to get an idea which foods are the ones to avoid.

  1. Dairy is, by far, one of the most common causes for food intolerance, aka lactose intolerance
  2. Wheat, rye, barley and some other types of grains are to be avoided if you are gluten intolerant
  3. Peanuts, beans, and legumes are all inflammatory foods that can also cause life-threatening anaphylactic reactions in some people
  4. Seafood can cause both allergies and IBS symptoms
  5. Eggs can be inflammatory, but not for a majority of people suffering from food intolerance
  6. Chocolate, caffeine, alcohol, sugar; are also inflammatory in nature, unfortunately
  7. Corn, garlic, onion, broccoli, cauliflower are commonly known to cause flatulence
  8. Red meat can be harmful to even people without food intolerances, for other reasons

Keep in mind that this list is not a comprehensive one, nor is it a common list of foods that every person who has a high sensitivity to food will experience discomfort from, but it still acts as a general guideline. Clinical tests and experience are the only ways to know which ones you are sensitive to and which ones your body can handle just fine.

2. Find the Right Vitamins and Enzymes

Did you know that lactose intolerance is a result of the fact that certain human beings do not produce any or enough of the lipase enzyme once they grow up? Lipase production is necessary to break down the lactose in dairy products and unless your body is producing it in sufficient quantities, intolerance is inevitable. Thankfully, it is possible to supply the digestive system with external lipase via supplements to digest milk.

For example, the Theramedix Carb Digest is specifically designed to help people overcome some of their food intolerances and allergies to dairy products, certain kinds of proteins and fats. Theramedix Fat High Lipase Digestion is formulated with extra doses of lipase in it to facilitate easy breakdown and absorption of milk, meat, and other fatty foods. If you have food intolerance or allergies, consider this line of supplements at from Theramedix to find effective short-term and long-term solutions to most food intolerances. Additionally, the huge collection of vitamins and other types of food supplements from Theramedix will work to improve and protect against other types of health issues such as hypertension, arterial plaque buildup, general indigestion, problems related to the central nervous system, and much more.

3. Find Alternative Sources of Nutrition

We live in a time when there is something for everyone. For example, even if you are a dedicated vegan, it is possible to get enough protein in your system without taking it from animal-derived sources. Similarly, after you have managed to successfully note down all the foods that you are allergic and/or intolerant to, simply find alternatives for them. The following problematic foods and their replacements should help you to understand how it works. (See also: Pursuing The Longevity Dividend: Lifestyle, Exercise And Nutrition For Healthy Aging)

  1. Lactose-free milk instead of regular milk
  2. Cheese made from goat or sheep milk instead of cow’s milk
  3. Replace broccoli, garlic, and onions with lettuce, bok choy, cucumbers, turnips, carrots, and other veggies with soluble fibers
  4. Tofu, chicken, and fish are excellent sources of protein instead of beef or pork

Understand that if you experience any symptoms of food intolerance, it is just better to put that particular item off your menu, to begin with. However, over time, and by applying some of the knowledge we just went through, it is definitely possible to reduce your body’s sensitivity to them up to an extent, where having a bit of milk with your coffee will not instantly send you running for the toilet! The key is in moderation though, so never try to take too much of anything that you know your body to be allergic or intolerant to, even when you have developed a bit of tolerance for it.

About The Author:

Emily is a blog writer who is obsessed with staying healthy and keeping fit! Fitness and writing are my two biggest hobbies as well as my passions.

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