Reduce Allergens and Irritants

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Melanie noticed her preschooler seemed to have a long-lasting cold. Oddly, her child’s symptoms were worse on windy days when dust and pollen were in the air outside. When she took her child to the doctor, she learned that her daughter didn’t have a cold — she had allergies. If you or someone in your home is dealing with allergies, follow the tips below to make your home environment healthier.

Keep Pollen Outside

Keep Pollen Outside

Image via Flickr by skakerman

When windy conditions are forecasted, don’t open doors and windows. When trees are budding and the grass is beginning to grow close doors and windows. Keep your house cool by using the air conditioner.

When visitors and family members come into the house, ask them to remove their shoes so they don’t track pollen inside. If a family member’s allergies are particularly severe, this step can help prevent severe and frightening allergy and asthma attacks.

Replace HVAC Filters Often

Regularly changing the filters in your home’s HVAC system can help reduce the number of allergens and other irritants in the air inside your home. Additionally, your allergist will recommend keeping your home’s ductwork clean. If you don’t recall the last time you had this type of work completed, contact an HVAC technician to assist you with duct cleaning.

Buy Filters Rated MERV 11 or Higher

Households with family members who have allergies can improve the air quality inside their home. By buying the proper type of air filters, the indoor air can stay clean, reducing the risk of allergy or asthma attacks for sensitive individuals.

When shopping for air filters, look for ones with a high MERV rating, which indicates the efficiency with which the filters capture irritants or pollutants. Filters with a MERV rating of 11 are a good place to start. Once the correct filters are added to your HVAC system, you should soon notice that the indoor environment will become cleaner.

Do Not Use Washable Filters

While it’s convenient to buy and use washable air filters for your HVAC system, keep in mind the potential health hazards from using washable air filters. HVAC technicians are busy, often going from one maintenance call or installation appointment to the next. They won’t always have time to wait until the filter is dry before placing it back into the air conditioner.

If air filters are not allowed to dry properly, over time, harmful particulates can begin to develop and enter the indoor air. Disposable HVAC system air filters can allow you to make filter changes healthier for you.

Reduce Home Humidity and Temperature

During the winter months, a warm, cozy house is inviting, and a humid environment indoors may help your skin from feeling too dry. But too much heat and humidity aren’t good either.

Ideally, the indoor temperature should be kept between 68 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit (20 to 22 degrees Celsius). Make sure your home’s humidity remains below 50 percent.

The tips above are one’s families can take to help both parents and their kids stay healthy.

About The Author:

Ryan is a freelance writer primarily focusing on tech and health topics. When she’s not writing, she enjoys going to the beach and spending time with her family.

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