Have you ever watched porn? Don’t worry, you’re not the only one. In the whole year of 2017, Pornhub received a total of 28.5 billion visitors and an average of 81 million visitors per day. Porn can be entertaining an addictive. But we should always remember that reality is far removed from what happens on set.

One major difference between porn and reality are women’s age, height, hair color, and ethnicity. Porn stars usually have great figures, small waist, proportional hips, and chest while the typical American woman has curvier hips and slimmer upper bodies.

According to study, 96% of the best porn stars of all time are men. A good performing male porn star gets more projects into his career than the most female porn star. The average longevity of women in the industry is 6 to 18 months.

There are lots of discrepancies between porn and reality. This infographic from DrFelix shows most of the major differences in an interesting visual. Check out the infographic below.

Porn vs. Reality

Infographic by Dr Felix

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