(Source: Pixabay)
Choose The Right Time For Napping
If you start to feel tired during the day, taking a nap is a good way to recharge your batteries. If you time your nap incorrectly, however, it could interfere with your ability to sleep at night. According to sleep experts, you should try napping approximately 5 to 6 hours after getting up in the morning. Whenever possible, avoid napping any later in the day than that.
At a bare minimum, you should avoid napping during the five-hour window before bed. If you take a nap too late in the day, you may have a lot more difficulty sleeping.
Consume Caffeine Mindfully
Caffeine is a stimulant, which means that it can give you a great energy boost during the day. At night, however, that excess energy can keep you from sleeping. If you are going to drink caffeine-laden beverages like energy drinks or coffee, consume them early in the day. Most experts recommend cutting off your caffeine intake a minimum of seven hours before your bedtime. That way, it shouldn’t interfere with your sleep.
If you have trouble avoiding caffeine during the afternoon hours, try substituting herbal tea. Green tea without any added sugar has about 50% less caffeine than coffee, which means that you won’t wind up feeling too alert. As a bonus, green tea can also benefit your health in many other ways.
Make Sure Your Bed is Comfortable
If you find yourself tossing and turning at night you may need to take a good look at your bed and mattress. Your mattress should be supportive and comfortable, take a look at Tuft and Needle mattress reviews and consider an upgrade.
Drink Soothing Teas At Bedtime
If you haven’t been sleeping as well as you would like, you may want to try drinking herbal tea before bed. Certain types of tea have sleep-inducing properties that will naturally help you feel sleepier at bedtime.
Some options that you may want to try include lemon balm, valerian root, passionflower, lavender, and chamomile. All of these teas have calming properties that make sleep come more easily. Teas containing these herbs are often labeled as “bedtime” or “sleepytime” tea at the store. Just avoid drinking too much tea before bed so that you don’t have to get up to use the bathroom during the night.
Eat Dinner Early
If you have a large meal right before you go to sleep, it can lead to heartburn and indigestion, keeping you awake all night. Try to eat dinner for a minimum of three hours before going to bed. If possible, avoid snacking during the evening hours, as well. If you do need to grab a small snack, however, choose foods that naturally promote sleep. Some good options include yogurt, bananas, or almonds.
Eat The Right Foods To Get Better Sleep
Certain foods naturally help promote sleep. Adding some of these foods to your diet may help you get better rest at night. Turkey is a great example. Because it is high in tryptophan, it makes sleeping easier. Avoid heavy, greasy foods like cheeseburgers and french fries at dinner. Better options include lean white meat, fish, fresh vegetables, cottage cheese, chickpeas, and foods made with whole grains. These foods are packed with nutrients and are less likely to cause problems with indigestion.
About The Author:
Peter Pani has seldom ever had the need for hard-soled shoes as he has always managed to float rather than walk. However, when he does invest in shoes he always uses orthotic shoes and has had years of experience in choosing and picking as a consumer.