Staying Fit Is Vital During Corona Outbreak

Quarantine and social distancing are essential in these trying times. The World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic.

With the presence of this virus, the world is on lockdown and people stay home and practice the proper precautions when going out.

However, there are challenges that come with isolation. Your whole routine changes. You can’t go out and do the things you used to do as a routine because a lot of establishments are closed.

The coronavirus is sweeping the nation and you might be afraid to go outside because of how easily it gets transmitted from person to person.

Even though you’re in quarantine, it is important to stay fit and exercise especially in this pandemic.

Exercise & Sports Science Australia (ESSA) reminds everyone that exercise is very important to keep the population healthy.

You may overlook this because you might want to just relax and work but in times like this, it is vital that you stay fit, and here’s why.

1. Exercise Boosts Your Immune System

Research shows that continuous exercise boosts your immune system.

Thus, giving you less sick days. It is important in times of crisis like this because it supports your physical health.

Frequent exercise delays the aging of the immune system which is beneficial for your immunological health.

A study in 2018 found that 55 to 79-year-old cyclists had the immune systems of young people. 125 of them had better immune systems despite their age because of frequent exercise and not smoking.

You should make sure to have the right exercise plan for you and seek a professional before following other people or look for the best pre-workout for women because your body is unique and it is important to stay safe when exercising in quarantine.

2. Exercise Improves Your Mental Health

Exercise affects the brain directly and it can actually improve your mental health.

Evidence shows that frequent exercise increases certain brain regions’ volume which ultimately improves the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the brain.

It helps reduce your anxiety, depression, negativity, and improves your self-esteem and cognitive function. It can also lessen low self-esteem and social withdrawal.

Read also: 10 Things You Need To Do To Improve Your Mental Health

3. Exercise Reduces Risk of Injury

Staying fit and regularly exercising increases the strength of your muscles, stability, bone density, and flexibility.

You are less likely to suffer from hash bone injuries if you fall over or trip. You become more resilient to injuries and reduce your risk because of stronger muscles and better balance.

It can also increase your pain tolerance and this is important to take note of especially as you grow older.

4. Exercise Lowers Stress Levels

Exercise Lowers Stress Levels

Photo by Sergio Pedemonte from Unsplash

The quarantine can stress you out because of all the thoughts gathered in your head. Exercise can positively affect the immune system by alleviating stress.

Research shows that people with higher stress levels were more prone to catching a common cold.

Frontiers in Physiology showed that exercise can help build better emotional resilience to short term stress.

5. Exercise Boosts Your Metabolism

Studies found that people with poor metabolism are more prone to infections and have greater immune suppression.

Better metabolism and frequent exercise can help lower blood glucose levels in the long run.

It can reduce the risk of acquiring diabetes by 30%. It is important to be aware of your metabolic system especially during this pandemic because the small availability of food being purchased might not be healthy for you.

It is important to maintain a healthy diet along with exercising to reduce the risk of infections.

See also: Five Metabolism-Boosting Strategies Designed To Amplify Your Weight Loss

6. Exercise Increases Energy Levels

Staying at home all day can make you feel tired or unmotivated. But you have to break away from your comfortable bed.

Exercise can boost your energy and reduce persistent fatigue. You can have more energy to get things done and not waste the days away.

7. Exercise Improves Your Lifestyle

Lastly, exercise can improve your lifestyle because of the benefits mentioned above. Accumulating all these benefits will guarantee better rest, better mood, better health, and a better life overall.

Exercise can greatly affect the quality of your sleep and it can improve your sleep quality. A study showed that 150 minutes of moderate or vigorous physical activity can improve sleep quality by up to 65%.

Exercise can help you stay fit and it can make you feel more energized throughout the day.

Ultimately, exercise and staying fit can improve many aspects of your life especially since this pandemic restricts you from going outside.

Remember that staying fit can help reduce your risk of infections by boosting your immune system.

The quarantine can make you feel fatigued and unmotivated and you have to combat that by keeping yourself energized and keeping your mental and immune systems healthy.

Set goals throughout the week and spread out your activities during the week. Keep taking care of your body.

About The Author:

Helen Cartwright is a passionate blogger, who excels in the Digital Marketing and Technology niche. When not wired in marketing strategies she ghost-write for a variety of authors who have their work published on leading online media channels such as The Huffington Post and

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