If you are unhappy with your appearance because of the shape or size of your nose, then you might be an ideal candidate for the rhinoplasty procedure. This popular cosmetic operation can often be completed in a matter of hours, and the results typically last a lifetime.
Within weeks of your operation, you are going to have the natural-looking and well-balanced nose that you have always wanted.
Here is a quick glimpse at how this procedure is carried out and what you can do to get ready for your operation.
Why Rhinoplasty?
There are many different reasons why patients undergo this operation, and it continues to be one of the most popular cosmetic procedures on the market.
As you can see from the rhinoplasty before and after images, this type of surgery can completely rejuvenate a patient’s appearance. The primary goal of this procedure is to gently alter the overall shape of the nose so that it perfectly matches the rest of the face.
While you can do quite a bit to preserve your appearance, altering your nose without professional assistance is going to be nearly impossible.
Once the operation is over, you should enjoy the results for the rest of your life as long as you carefully follow all of the surgeon’s aftercare instructions.
Getting Ready for Your Operation
Photo Credit: Pexels
After you have taken a look at some rhinoplasty before and after photos and done a little bit of research online, you will then need to schedule your first appointment with the surgeon. That appointment is extremely important because it will give your surgeon time to go over your medical history to ensure that you are healthy enough for the procedure.
You will also be given the opportunity to ask any questions that you might have and tell the surgeon a little more about your cosmetic goals.
In the weeks leading up to your operation, your surgeon will suggest that you try to remain as healthy as possible to reduce your risk of post-op complications. That includes avoiding all tobacco products, getting plenty of sleep, and sticking to a clean diet.
If you are currently taking any prescription or over-the-counter medications, then you need to speak with your surgeon about those as well.
Some medications can impact your recovery, and your surgeon might suggest that you make some changes to what you are currently taking.
What Is the Recovery Like?
This operation is carried out with a general anesthetic, and that means you are going to be asleep throughout the entire procedure.
You will also need to have someone ready to take you home after your surgery because you are going to be quite groggy from the anesthetic.
In the weeks following your operation, you must be very careful around your nose and avoid all strenuous activities. The average patient can return back to work within two weeks as long as they don’t have a physically strenuous job.
By the fifth week, the discoloration and tenderness should be completely gone, and that is when you can resume exercising.
If you think that you might be a good candidate for the rhinoplasty procedure, then you should schedule your first consultation right away.
Within weeks of your procedure, you are going to be back on your feet with a rejuvenated new appearance and more confidence.
About The Author:
Stacey Smith is a freelance health writer. She is passionate to write about women’s health, dental health, diabetes, endocrinology, and nutrition and provides in-depth features on the latest in health news for medical clinics and health magazines.