It is common to have foot problems in diabetic patients and they should respond immediately after feeling/seeing any signs of foot problem.
3%-10% of diabetic patients have foot ulcers and risk for lifetime foot ulceration is 15%. [NCBI Study].
So if you have diabetes, it’s important to look after your feet as you may be more susceptible to foot problems then other people.
Spending time caring for your feet daily will help to reduce the likely hood of developing serious foot problems.
As per a study conducted among the type II Diabetics patients to look at their habits of self-care, it was evident from data collected that
- Self-care practices are inadequate in developing countries,
- Patients lack information/knowledge of self-care and its proper implementation
- Monitoring of blood sugar level was irregular
- There were not taking diet recommended to diabetic patients
For patients with diabetics, feet care is a must and it should be a part of their overall healthcare. Below are some important self-care tips for diabetics to prevent them from their feet from problems.
If you’re looking for diabetic foot care in Las Vegas, you may like to contact the Battle Born Bone and joint Center where they specialize in diabetic foot care.
You can also follow these top tips to help improve the health of your feet. Remember that it’s important to get advice from a specialist if you’re making significant changes to your lifestyle.
1. Stop Smoking
Smoking is a bad habit that can cause lots of problems, especially if you have diabetes.
Cigarettes make it harder for the blood to circulate correctly around your body and increase your risk of amputation.
Smokers also have a higher chance of developing foot diseases like ulcers (DFU).
2. Regularly Check Blood Sugar, Cholesterol, and Blood Pressure
It’s important to
- Manage your blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol and keep it within your target. This will prevent your feet from becoming damaged.
- Aim to eat healthily and exercise regularly.
- Ask your health care professional if you need help and advice with this.
3. Check Your Feet Daily
Diabetes can cause foot problems to worsen quickly. It’s essential to get into the habit of regularly checking your feet.
You could check your feet each morning before you put your socks on. Tell your doctor straight away if you notice any changes.
If you are unable to lift your feet, you can look at the sole by using a mirror. If this is too hard, you could ask someone to check your feet for you.
Losing the feeling in your feet is a scary side effect of diabetes. If you’ve experienced a loss of sensation, you’ll have to be very careful with your feet as you won’t feel it if you hurt yourself.
Ask a health care professional to carry out a touch test if you’re not sure whether or not you have full feeling in your feet.
Good Read: Facts About Your Foot You Didn’t Know |
4. Eat Healthily and Stay Active
You may find it useful to get some advice from a dietitian to ensure that you’re eating healthily. It’s important to eat a balanced diet if you have diabetes, as this reduces the risk of foot complications.
5. Be Careful When Cutting Your Nails
If you are diabetic, be careful you don’t pierce your skin when cutting your nails as this can cause other injuries. If you’ve lost the feeling in your feet, you may not even notice you’ve cut yourself.
Use the self-care practices while cutting your feet nails:
- Cut your toenails often, but don’t make them too short.
- It is better you cut toenails straight and never round from corners or make any angles.
- After cutting there should be no sharp corners that can injure your foot skin. (Common foot injuries)
- You can also use a nail brush to clean gently around your nails.
- Don’t use scissors to remove dirt from under your nails, as this isn’t safe.
- Washing your feet daily is an excellent way to ensure your feet and nails stay clean and free of infection.
- You may also like to use a moisturizing cream daily.
6. Make Sure Your Shoes Fit
Don’t wear shoes or socks that are tight or that rub as this is likely to cause problems. You should choose your footwear carefully. Check out this good post on “How To Choose The Right Pair Of Shoes?“.
It’s a good idea to choose shoes that are broad and flat or have a low heel.
Shoes that have laces or a buckle will stop your feet from moving around.
Avoid wearing high heels, in case it is necessary to war then wear them for a short time. Change socks after short intervals, better if you can change daily to prevent any infection.
7. Prevent Infection of Feet
Due to diabetes, there can be less supply of blood to feet which can prevent infections to heel. This not treated infection can lead to Gangrene which can further lead to Amputation if not treated properly.
If you feel pain and tingling in feet, it can be due to nerve damage and can lead to sore or cut in feet. A foot doctor, also called a podiatrist, can help you in this situation.
Diabetic patients need to be proactive in their medical care Along with self-care; they should schedule regular visits to their healthcare to monitor their sugar levels and overall health condition.
About The Author:
My name is Wahab. My interest is sharing different ideas and tips. I like to share ideas and as a result, I would be delighted to hear from you.