If you are looking to get into the ketogenic diet, or have just gotten into it you are going to want to read this article.
With so many different diets it might seem hard to figure out which one to try. Our diets have evolved a lot even from a previous generation. When you hear diet you might think just eating salads every day or only boring bland foods that no one likes. But that simply is not the case anymore.
Over the years we have learned how to effectively diet with some of the same foods that we have always loved. It is all about how you prepare them and how you take the unhealthy things out.
For example, if you love burgers, you are still completely able to have the burger but instead of the bun, you should substitute it for a lettuce wrap.
We are going to take a look at what exactly the keto diet is and what the keto flu is and how you can get rid of it or even avoid it altogether.
What exactly is the keto diet?
The ketogenic diet or “keto diet” as most are known to call it has been around for a long time but in a different way than most do not know about.
When the keto diet first was introduced it was actually a diet for those who had epilepsy. You see the way the keto diet works is that it is a high fat, Sustainable protein, low carb diet.
Normally when you intake carbs it is then turned into glucose and that is what gives your brain the energy to function. But with the keto diet, since there are very little carbohydrates in the diet.
The liver converts your fat into fatty acids and ketone bodies which then go to the brain and replace the glucose as the source of energy.
For epilepsy patients when the ketone levels are elevated in the body it has shown to have significantly reduced seizures.
The same formula that is the keto diet is basically the same formula as the epilepsy medicine. The meds elevate your ketone levels so that you do not have seizures.
Some epileptic patients are required to take the medicine as well as be on the keto diet.
This diet has had proven results the key is that you must follow the instructions and still be physically active.
What kinds of foods am I allowed to eat on the keto diet?
When you are on the keto diet you are surprisingly allowed to eat more than you would think. Related.
You obviously want to keep the protein in your diet as your body needs it to survive, But since the keto diet is high fat and low carbs you are going to want to keep your carbs down to a minimum so you are going to want to avoid foods such as bread and pasta’s as well as foods that have sugars in them.
And some vegetables such as carrots have sugar in them. High fat is going to be the route to go.
Photo by Travis Yewell from Unsplash
There are many different cookbooks you can use and self help books on how to get through the keto diet and what you need to do to make sure that you are successful in the keto diet.
You might also consider looking for a nutritionist that has a lot of knowledge of the keto diet.
It can be hard sometimes to think of what you can eat especially since some foods that you might not think have sugars in them actually do.
What is the keto flu?
When you are restricting your carbohydrate intake your body starts to process electrolytes differently and because your insulin is low your kidneys start to excrete more sodium this can disrupt the balance of sodium and electrolytes.
When you replenish sodium, magnesium, and potassium you are more likely to get rid of the keto flu symptoms.
What supplements are imperative on the keto diet?
Because your carbohydrate intake is so little you can risk having your sodium drop to unhealthy levels. Which in turn can cause you to become dehydrated Some symptoms of lack of sodium, potassium, and magnesium are.
- Potassium– Muscle cramps, muscle twitching, heart palpitations, and increased rate of heartbeat. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms you should try eating a banana or eating some leafy greens.
- Sodium– Difficult concentrating, weakness, headaches, and weakness. If you are experiencing these symptoms you may want to consider adding some extra salt to your food.
- Magnesium– Muscle cramping and muscle twitching especially at night or if you are exercising. If you are experiencing this you should look into eating seeds and nuts.
Taking a keto electrolyte supplement would replace you with having to worry about doing all that. We definitely do not want to start feeling bad while we are the keto diet as it may make us want to quit.
About The Author:
John Smith is a long time health and wellness expert with experience in personal training and more.